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一忌‘东西越贵越不卖’。对辛勤劳作的成果,想要卖个好价钱,在情理之中。但商品价格存在上涨和下跌的自然规律,商品贵到一定程度,便有贱的可能。‘惜售’的心理,十有八九要吃亏。二忌‘坐门等客’。买卖不跑不活,因为商品市场瞬息万变,商品交流讲究时效性,蹲在家等不到客。在信息时代,只有跑起来,才能及时得知市场信息、行情,在商品经济中游刃有余。三忌‘上赶子不是买卖’。有相当数量的人是善于生产而不善于推销,甚至觉得‘上赶子向人家推销是掉价’,羞于启齿。他们往往以‘酒好不怕巷子深’自慰,企图有人闻香自来。其实,这是被动的销售手段。推销产品要有主动的精神,‘上赶子’就是这种精神的体现,是聪明之举。四忌‘有钱存起来’。不少人挣了钱只顾积存起来,而不愿意再投入。存钱 A bogey ‘the more expensive the more you don’t sell’. For hard work, it is reasonable to want to sell a good price. However, there is a natural law that the prices of commodities rise and fall. If the commodities are expensive to a certain extent, there is a possibility that they will be paralyzed. The psychology of ’reluctant sellers’ must suffer in all likelihood. Second, avoid ‘waiting for customers’. Trading does not run, because the commodity market changes rapidly, and product exchanges stress timeliness. In the information age, only by running up can we be informed of market information and market conditions in a timely manner and be able to do a good job in the commodity economy. Three bogey ‘on the move is not buying and selling’. A considerable number of people are good at producing and not good at promoting sales. They even feel that ‘slow to sell to others is a plunge” and are ashamed. They often masturbate with ‘wine is not afraid of a deep alley’ and try to smell it. In fact, this is a passive sales tool. To promote products with a spirit of initiative, ‘to expel children’ is a manifestation of this spirit and a smart move. Four bogey ‘to save up’. Many people earn money and only care to accumulate, rather than willing to invest again. Save money
Sturge-Weber综合征系一种少见的脑部血管和颜面皮肤血管的先天性发育异常,国内文献报道不多.我们遇到3例,均经CT诊断,结合文献,报道如下. Sturge-Weber syndrome is a rare
This study was pertained to the effects of Ti coating on diamond surfaces and Si addition into Al matrix on the thermal conductivity(TC) and the coefficient of
上个月系里为金冲及先生八十寿诞举行座谈。当时出差在外,未能恭与盛会。二○一○年第一场雪后的第二天,收到了金先生的《二十世纪中国史纲》。这是金先生退休后才开始撰写的著作,想想作者的年龄,看看这百多万字的巨著,实在是感佩无已!  无论从作者的身份和资历、认识的深入、涵盖的广度,以及其他角度言,本书无疑是中国马克思主义史学对二十世纪中国史的代表作。但从书的内容看,这大体仍是一本个人的著作,可以说是一家之