To Our Readers In the New Year

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WITH the deepening of China’s reform and the expansion of the policy of opening to the world, we greet the year 1995. A new year means a chance for development and a new beginning for any person or career. The editorial department of Women of China sends its best wishes to all our readers. Women of China magazine has entered its 39th year since its establishment. With love and concern from our large readership, the magazine has made friends with readers from countries and regions all over the WITH the deepening of China’s reform and the expansion of the policy of opening to the world, we greet the year 1995. A new year means a chance for development and a new beginning for any person or career. The editorial department of Women of the State to send forward its best wishes to all our readers. Women of China magazine has entered its 39th year since its establishment. With love and concern from our large readership, the magazine has made friends with readers from countries and regions all over the
(散文百家﹀由河北省作家协会主办。 八散文百家﹀,大容量、大气魄,倡百家言、推百家文、呈百家情。 ︿散文百家﹀,集百家风格成一家之刊风。真的纪实、善的说理、美的抒情,雍容与素
初次相识《中国钓鱼》是一九八九年六月。无意翻了翻友人买的一本《中国钓鱼》,谁知不翻不知道,一翻太奇妙。我被书中的文章深深吸引住了。 The first acquaintance of “C
同志们: 今天,省政府办公厅在这里召开《青海政报》发行工作会议。参加这次会议的有《青海政报》编委会成员,各州、地、市政府和省政府大多数部门的秘书长及办公室主任。此