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胡明扬教授非常关注语言学理论的建设,也非常关心本刊的发展,不仅提议本刊要重视语言学理论的研究和建设,还亲自组稿,撰写了编者按语,胡明扬教授这种对中国语言学事业发展的拳拳之心,让我们深为感佩。语言学理论是语言科学研究的指导思想和方法论,任何科学的语言研究,不论明言与否,都有一定的理论背景。国外语言学特别重视理论探索,因此语言理论不断创新,20世纪语言学达到前所未有的鼎盛阶段就得益于这种不断创新的追求。我国语言学界重视事实,这也是一种理论倾向,自有其长处,无可厚非,但是长期不重视,甚至忽视理论探索,不支持理论论争,恐怕也是一种缺陷。我国语言学要自立于世界语言学之林,不能永远追随国外语言学的理论和方法,因此必须重视语言理论的研究和探索。这组语言学理论研究笔谈的角度是多方面的,其中既有从宏观上对语言学发展大势的思考,也有从微观上探讨语言学研究中的具体问题;既有分析汉语的,也有调查研究民族语言的。我们希望开展平心静气、友好善意的科学讨论,切磋琢磨,共同前进;《语言科学》刊发论文的学术规范也一贯要求对不同观点应以理服人,不宜讽刺挖苦,嘲弄伤人,更不宜断章取义,曲解原意。切磋性的文章更应力求用词平和,与人为善。另外,被批评者也有反批评的权利,不过同样希望在切磋探讨中富有学者风度。本刊愿意和语言学界一起为营造一个自由、坦诚、友好的学术探讨和争论的良好氛围而共同努力。 Professor Hu Mingyang pays close attention to the construction of linguistics theory and also pays close attention to the development of this journal. He not only suggests that this journal should pay attention to the research and construction of linguistic theories, but also authored manuscripts and edited the editorials by Professor Hu Mingyang, a professor of Chinese linguistics The heart of the development of boxing, let us deeply felt. Linguistic theory is the guiding ideology and methodology of linguistic science research. Any scientific linguistic research, whether explicitly stated or not, has a certain theoretical background. Foreign linguistics pays special attention to theoretical exploration. Therefore, linguistic theory is constantly innovated. As a result, linguistics of the 20th century attained unprecedented heyday thanks to this constant pursuit of innovation. It is also a kind of theoretical tendency that our linguistic scholars pay attention to facts. It has its own advantages and it is understandable that long-term neglect of theoretical exploration or theoretical controversy is probably a flaw. In our country, linguistics should be independent of the world linguistics and can not always follow the theories and methods of foreign linguistics. Therefore, we must pay attention to the research and exploration of linguistic theories. This group of linguistic theories has many perspectives on the study of written writing. There are both macro-level thinking on the development trend of linguistics and micro-issues on specific issues in linguistic research. Both Chinese-speaking analysis and research National language We hope to carry out the calm, friendly and kind-hearted scientific discussions, pondering and making progress together. The academic norms of the published papers of the “Language Science” also consistently demand that people should be convinced of different views and should not be sarcastic, mocking and injuring others, Misinterpreting the original meaning. The article should be more parsimonious and peaceful. In addition, critics also have anti-criticism of the right, but also hope that in the discussion of rich scholars. The journal is willing to work with the linguistics community to create a good atmosphere for free, open and friendly academic discussions and debates.