
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinghuang1982
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[目的]解决在野外难以用普通数码相机拍摄出微小花果清晰照片的问题。[方法]先将普通数码相机的拍摄模式设置为“微距”(或“柔和人像”),关闭闪光灯。然后,用放大镜将要拍摄的花果放大,再用数码相机的镜头对着被放大的花果进行自动对焦。当液晶屏上显示出对焦完成的绿框,且此时液晶屏上的花果图像变得比较清晰时,则可按动快门按钮进行拍摄。照片拍摄好后,可在电脑上对照片进行选择、剪辑或放大等后期处理。必要时,也可以用专业的图片处理软件对照片进行处理。[结果]利用此方法,在野外对画眉草(Eragrostis pilosa)、金盏银盘(Bidens biternata)和蒺藜(Tribulus terrester)的花序或花进行拍摄,均能获得比较理想的照片。[结论]通过加置放大镜改变数码相机的光学系统,可以改善普通数码相机对微小花果的拍摄功能,能很容易地拍摄到微小花果的清晰照片。 [Objective] To solve the problem that it is difficult to take a clear picture of tiny flower figs with ordinary digital camera in the wild. [Method] Set the recording mode of the ordinary digital camera to “Macro” (or “Soft Portrait”) first, and then turn off the flash. Then, magnifying glass will be taken to enlarge the flower, and then use the camera’s digital camera lens was magnified flower autofocus. When the LCD shows the green frame that is in focus, and the picture of the flower is clearer at this time, you can press the shutter button to shoot. After the photo is taken, the photos can be selected, edited or magnified on a computer for post-processing. When necessary, you can also use professional image processing software to process photos. [Result] With this method, the photos of the inflorescences or flowers of the Eragrostis pilosa, Bidens biternata and Tribulus terrester were obtained in the field. [Conclusion] By changing the optical system of the digital camera by adding a magnifying glass, the ordinary digital camera can improve the shooting function of the tiny flower and can take a clear picture of the delicate flower.
今年全国高考数学理工类压轴题第22题:rn设a0为常数,且an=3n-1-2an-1(n∈N+),rn(1)证明,对任意n≥1,an=1/5[3n+(-1)n-1 2n]+(-1)n2na0;rn(2)假设对任意n≥1有an>an-1,求a0的取