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各辦事處主任支行經副理: 一九四九年十月專辦主任會議確定:有重點的試辦和改進農村信用合作工作,在基礎較好的生產供銷合作社開展信用合作業務,使存實貸實業務和供銷業務結合起來。兩個多月來,除個別專縣對此工作重視並具體佈置進行外(如黎城、武鄉、翼城、昔陽等縣),迄今將屆冬末,仍有不少專縣還沒重視,假定今冬摸不到點經驗,將會影響刊一九五○年的順利發展,因此要求各專縣迅速佈置並開始試辦。我省信用合作工作過去有過很大發展,原太原岳區發展到七十餘個社(或部——沁源、陽城最多),原太行所腸之長治,晉中之榆次專區各縣校為普遍,最少也在一百八十個以上。故全省信用社(部)估計最少也有五百個以上。因過去單純貨幣活動,違犯仟貸兩利,「左」乙傾貧僱路線,侵犯存戶利益,忽視具體條件和歐發群眾自覺,銀行無限制貸款,包辦、缺乏民主管理等種種原因,大部走向垮臺和停頓。一九四八年秋後提出存實貸實進行試辦改進以來,此一t工作又獲得新的進展和成績。據長治專區黎城、武鄉、沁源、潞城、陵川覓縣和普陽、榆社、翼城八縣二十四社(部)統計:全年機織吸收各種存糧 Deputy director of each branch office: In October 1949, the director of the special office confirmed that there should be a focus on piloting and improving the rural credit cooperation and establishing a credit cooperation business at a well-established production and marketing cooperative. Loans business and supply and marketing business together. More than two months, in addition to individual county focus on this work and specific arrangements for outside (such as Li Cheng, Wuxiang, Yicheng, Xiyang counties), so far the end of the winter, there are still many county not yet It is important to assume that assuming no experience this winter will affect the smooth development of the publication in 1950, it is demanded that the special districts should be promptly arranged and started trial. The credit cooperative work in our province had great development in the past. The original Taiyuan Yue District developed to more than 70 agencies (or ministry - Qinyuan, Yangcheng most), the former Taihangshangchang Changzhi, Jinzhong Yuci area County schools are common, at least more than one hundred and eighty or more. Therefore, the province’s credit cooperatives (ministries) estimated that there are at least five hundred or more. Due to various reasons such as the past purely monetary activities, the infringement of both loans and loans, the leftwing Baptist Poverty Alleviation line, the interests of depositors, the neglect of specific conditions and the spontaneous conspicuousness of the European Communities, the unbanked loans of banks, the unorganization of the banks and the lack of democratic management, most of them To collapse and pause. Since the fall of 1948, when a pragmatic loan-sharing program was put forward to improve the pilot program, new achievements and achievements have been made in this regard. According to Changzhi Prefecture Li, Wuxiang, Qinyuan, Lucheng, Lingchuan Mi County and Puyang, Yushe, Yicheng eight counties and twenty-four agencies (Department) Statistics: