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没有一条河流不能泅渡,没有一座山峰不能征服,没有一个冬天不可逾越!那么——全球金融危机持续至今,对于何时触底反弹众说纷纭,俨然已经成了经济界的哥德巴赫猜想。但有一点是明确的,此次危机对中国安防外销的影响是十分严重的:外需减少导致订单下降明显,国际金融危机造成全球商品需求量骤减,产品价格下跌,国外厂商减少或暂停进货;同时,国外市场价格下降,企业利润空间进一步缩减,反过来又促进了危机的蔓延。这场由金融行业的贪婪导致的危机,最终导致实体经济元气大伤,安防外销进入了一个看似漫漫无期的冰河期。 No one can not cross the river, no one can not conquer the summit, not a winter insurmountable! Then - the global financial crisis so far, diverging opinions on when to bottom out, seems to have become the Goldbach conjecture of the economic sector. However, one point is clear. The impact of this crisis on China’s security and protection is very serious: the decrease in external demand led to a significant decline in orders; the global financial crisis caused a drastic drop in global commodity demand; product prices dropped and foreign manufacturers reduced or suspended purchase; In the meantime, the drop in the prices in foreign markets and the further reduction of the profit margins of enterprises have in turn promoted the spread of the crisis. This crisis caused by the greed of the financial industry eventually led to the real economy, which plunged into a seemingly endless period of glacial ice.
法fǎ国ɡuó著zhù名mínɡ昆kūn虫chónɡ学xué家jiā法fǎ布bù尔ěr小xiǎo时shí候hou很hěn穷qiónɡ,但dàn他tā十shí分fēn好hào学xué。  一yī天tiān,法fǎ布bù尔ěr在zài书shū店diàn里li看kàn到dào了le一yī本běn《勒lè布bù尔ěr诗shī集jí》,勒lè布bù尔ěr是shì当dānɡ时shí一yī位wèi有yǒu名mí
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