坚持唯物论 反对现代迷信

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全国揭批“法轮功”的思想政治斗争正在深入进行,在这场关系到共产党人的根本信仰,关系到全国人民团结奋斗的根本思想基础,关系到我们党和国家的前途命运的斗争中,广大纪检监察干部,坚决贯彻党中央的指示,站在斗争的前列,旗帜鲜明地揭批李洪志及其“法轮大法”歪理邪说,使广大纪检监察干部受到了一次马克思主义唯物论和无神论的教育,增强了政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力,更加坚定了社会主义和共产主义的信仰.在揭批“法轮功”的过程中,本刊编辑部收到了一批揭批的稿件.这些稿件有揭批“法轮功”的,也有联系“法轮功”组织的出现谈党的建设的,从不同角度反映了纪检监察干部的态度和心声.为此,我们以《揭批“法轮功”加强党的建设》为题,摘要刊发几篇,作为一次笔谈会,以飨读者. The ideological and political struggle over exposing and criticizing “Falungong” throughout the country is proceeding in an in-depth manner. In this struggle, which is related to the fundamental belief of the Communists, relates to the fundamental ideological foundation for the people of all ethnic groups in their struggle for unity and to the future and destiny of our party and our country, Discipline inspection and supervision cadres, resolutely implemented the directives of the party Central Committee, stood at the forefront of the struggle, unmasked and defended Li Hongzhi and his Falun Dafa in a clear-cut manner, so that the vast number of discipline inspection and supervision cadres received a Marxist materialism and atheism education and enhanced Political acumen and political discrimination have further strengthened the belief in socialism and communism.In the process of exposing and criticizing “Falungong,” editorial departments of the editorial department have received a number of articles that have been criticized and approved.They have the purpose of exposing and criticizing “Falungong” As well as the emergence of the “Falungong” organization in discussing party building, it has reflected the attitudes and aspirations of the discipline inspection and supervision cadres from different angles. For this reason, we summarized and approved “Falungong” and “Strengthening Party Building” Send a few articles, as a symposium to readers.
一 重大责任事故犯罪严重危害着广大职工的人身安全,给国家带来巨大损失。人民检察院15年来,依法查处了违章指挥,强令工人冒险作业,以及工人不服从管理等造成的重大责任事故2
高胆红素血症是一种在新生儿及婴幼儿中较为常见的疾病。血清中的间接胆红素升高可透过血脑屏障引起胆红素脑病,导致神经系统后遗症早已被人们熟知[1 ] 。但胆红素对心肌的损