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毋庸置疑,纳米技术是一项革命性的技术。但由此断言纳米时代已经来临,恐怕还太乐观了一此。无论是国内还是国外,纳米仍是一门前瞻性、战略性、基础性的科技,目前仍集中在基础研究方面。科学家认为,纳米技术从本质上来说是用原子重新构造物质的技术,虽然90年代初科学家已经成功搬动原子,但离自如操纵原子还很远。像基因组技术一样,纳米技术还有很长一段路要走。“我们必须冷静地看待纳米科技。”中科院副院长、纳米研究首席科学家白春礼院士说,“尽管纳米技术已经走入百姓的生活,但是纳米科技要像信息技术一样产生广泛而深刻的影响,那将是二三十年以后的事情。”即使是那些较为成熟的纳米技术,离产业化开发还有一段路要走。纳米技术的应用还有一个认识过程以及产品的升级配套过程。比如目前国内有一家生产纳米材料的生产线,因为产品的应用市场狭小,一时难以实现盈利或较大盈利。从某种角度上讲,新型材料对人类未来发展的影响一点也不亚于网络和基因工程,甚至可以说新型材料对网络和基因工程发展起着至关重要的作用。 There is no doubt that nanotechnology is a revolutionary technology. However, the assertion that nano-era has come, I am afraid it is too optimistic about this. Whether domestic or foreign, nano is still a forward-looking, strategic, basic science and technology, is still focused on basic research. Scientists believe that nanotechnology is essentially a technique of reconstructing matter with atoms, although scientists have succeeded in moving atoms in the early 1990s but are far from manipulating atoms. Like genome technology, nanotechnology still has a long way to go. “We must calmly treat nanotechnology. ” Chinese Academy of Sciences vice president, nanotechnology research scientist Bai Chunli Academy of Sciences said, “Although nanotechnology has entered the lives of people, but nanotechnology like information technology to produce a wide range of profound Influence, it will be two or three decades later. ”Even those more mature nanotechnology, from the industrial development is still some way to go. The application of nanotechnology there is also a process of understanding and upgrading of products supporting the process. For example, there is currently a domestic production of nano-material production lines, because the product application market is small, sometimes difficult to achieve profitability or greater profitability. In a way, the new materials have no impact on the future development of mankind as much as networks and genetic engineering. It can even be said that new materials play a crucial role in the development of networks and genetic engineering.
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不等式的证明问题是高中数学教学的一个难点,近几年高考中经常出现. 而利用导数证明不等式是一种重要方法,主要思路是利用已知函数或构造辅助函数,将不等式的证明问题转化为研究函数的单调性、最值问题,体现了导数的工具性作用.本文拟通过实例分析总结.  策略一:利用已知函数证明  例1 (2009辽宁高考改编)设f(x)=ex(-x2+x+1).  证明:当x1,x2∈[0,1]时,有|f(x
从现实出发,提出了实施问题式教学法的迫切性,然后阐述了问题式教学法的本质与实施理念,再从四个方面阐述了如何在教学中实施,并且还谈了实施中的几个注意点。 Based on the