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关于宋明理学与明清哲学之间错综复杂的关系及宋元明清哲学的现代价值问题的讨论,是20世纪中国学术界的一件大事。肯定明清哲学具有启蒙性质,并将其看作是中国现代文化的活水源头的部分学者,借用西方近代文化与现代性的话语,努力发掘明清哲学中的新思想因素。而肯定宋明理学的理论价值与现代意义的部分学者,则强调宋明理学对现代中国道德意识培养与人格境界的提升所具有的正面价值。双方又都能言之成理,持之有故,而且都有自己的学术名家。在新的时代条件下,我们如何重新反思宋明理学与明清哲学之间的错综复杂的关系,准确把握宋元明清哲学的现代价值,仍然是一个有着广阔学术前景的话题。本组笔谈,既有吴根友教授就宋元明清哲学研究的范式及其方法诸问题作的深入思考,也有明清哲学研究知名专家许苏民、蒋国保二先生对“明清启蒙说”在学理与史料两方面做出更为新颖论证的作品,还有在宋明理学、明清哲学贯通研究中的新锐郭晓东、魏长宝、姚才刚、张丽华、陈敏荣等人对宋明学说的现代价值,“明清启蒙说”的学理困难等进行新的论证的文章。这些观点对于我进一步思考宋明理学与明清哲学的关系及宋元明清哲学的现代价值等,提供了新的思路。 The discussion on the intricate relationship between the Neo-Confucianism and the philosophy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the modern value of philosophy in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties is a major event in Chinese academia in the 20th century. It is affirmed that the philosophy of Ming and Qing dynasties had the enlightenment character and regarded them as some of the living sources of Chinese modern culture. They borrowed the discourse of modern Western culture and modernity and tried to find out the new ideological factors in the philosophy of Ming and Qing Dynasties. And some scholars who affirm the theoretical value and modern significance of Neo-Confucianism emphasize the positive value Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism has played in raising modern Chinese moral awareness and personality. Both sides are able to justify, hold on, and have their own academic masters. Under the conditions of the new era, how to reconsider the intricate relationship between the Confucianism of the Ming and Ming Dynasties and the philosophy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and accurately grasp the modern value of the philosophy of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties remains a topic of broad academic prospect. This group of written speeches includes Professor Wu Genyou’s in-depth thinking on the paradigms of philosophical studies of the Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties and their methodological questions. Xu Mingmin and Jiang Guobo-two, prominent experts in philosophical research in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, In addition, there are also works that are more innovative in their argument, as well as the modern values ​​of the Song and Ming Dynasties such as Guo Xiaodong, Wei Changbao, Yao Caigang, Zhang Lihua and Chen Minrong in the study of the philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, "Academic difficulties such as the new argument for the article. These views provide new ideas for further thinking about the relationship between the NeoConcepts of the Song and Ming Dynasties and the philosophy of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the modern value of the philosophy of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.
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