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我们在当前认真学习邓小平经济理论的过程中,一个十分重要的课题是,如何通过学习邓小平经济理论,自觉遵循客观经济规律,提高领导和驾驭改革开放和现代化建设事业的本领。 经济规律是经济现象之间的内在的本质联系,是不依人的意志为转移的客观必然。邓小平同志深刻总结我国社会主义建设的历史经验后指出,必须尊重客观经济规律。他说:“毛泽东同志是伟大的领袖,中国革命是在他的领导下取得成功的。然而他有一个重大的缺点,就是忽视发展社会生产力。不是说他不想发展生产力,但方法不都是对头的,例如搞‘大跃进’、 In the current course of earnestly studying Deng Xiaoping’s economic theory, one of the most important topics we have studied is how to improve our leadership and control of the cause of reform, opening up and the cause of modernization by studying Deng Xiaoping’s economic theory, observing objective economic laws conscientiously. Economic laws are the inherent intrinsic relations between economic phenomena and the objective inevitability of shifting people’s will. Comrade Deng Xiaoping profoundly summed up the historical experience of our socialist construction and pointed out that we must respect the objective economic laws. He said: "Comrade Mao Tse-tung is a great leader and the Chinese revolution succeeded under his leadership. However, one major shortcoming is that he neglects the development of social productive forces. It does not mean that he does not want to develop productive forces, but he does not always have the right solution. For example, engage in ’Great Leap Forward’
NO。1RelationshiP between Mesozoie Magmatism and Subduetion in the Da珑nggan一、恤nshan Area Shao Ji’an(邵济安),Liu Futian(刘福田),Chen Hui(陈辉)and Han Qin自u
1998年,进口关税降低,原材料涨价,洪涝灾害冲击……大庆石化总厂炼油厂却跃出谷底,秘密何在? In 1998, import tariffs to reduce the price of raw materials, floods and
我国天然气资源丰富 ,市场前景广阔 ,为满足国内对天然气的需求 ,中国石油天然气股份有限公司拟利用中西部地区天然气勘探成果 ,加快实施西气东输工程。西气东输就是将我国新