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秦巴山区是我国重要的生物基因库和绿色生态屏障,其所在的秦淮(秦岭-淮河)线是我国重要的地理气候分界线,同时也是我国最大的集中连片贫困地区。在新的历史时期,如何充分发挥秦巴山区生态气候资源在扶贫开发中的作用,受到业界的密切关注。以地处秦巴山区腹地的重庆城口县为例,基于秦巴山区及城口县域的气象、森林、植被、动物及其他生态环境方面的资料,采用人体舒适度指数、温湿指数、风寒指数与统计学方法,从生态环境、旅游气候资源两个方面研究了城口县生态旅游气候环境,以期为该区旅游资源开发利用提供决策依据。研究表明:城口县森林覆盖率高达62.9%,生态资源优异,绚丽多彩的自然景观以及独特的民俗文化,使得城口县生态旅游资源丰富;城口属亚热带季风气候区,气候温和、雨量充沛、风速较小、四季分明、气候宜人、旅游舒适期长;独特的地理气候条件,造就了城口县春天可踏青赏花、夏季是避暑天堂、秋天遍山枫叶红、冬天雪景美如画,一年四季美景不断,且风格各异。 The Qinba Mountain area is an important biological gene bank and a green ecological barrier in China. The Qinhuai-Qinhuai (Qinhuai-Huaihe River) line is an important geography-climate dividing line in China and also the largest concentrated contiguous poverty-stricken area in China. In the new historical period, how to give full play to the role of ecological climatic resources in poverty alleviation and development in the Qinling and Palestinian Mountains has received close attention from the industry. Based on the data of meteorological, forest, vegetation, animal and other ecological environment in Qinba Mountain area and Chengkou County, taking Chongqing’s Chekkou County located in the hinterland of Qinba Mountain as an example, the human comfort index, temperature and humidity index, Index and statistical methods, this paper studies the climate and environment of ecotourism in Chengkou County from two aspects of ecological environment and tourism climate resources, with a view to providing decision-making basis for the development and utilization of tourism resources in this area. The research shows that the urban forest coverage rate is as high as 62.9%, the ecological resources are excellent, the colorful natural landscape and the unique folk culture make the tourism resources of Chengkou county rich. The urban area belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone with mild climate, abundant rainfall, The wind speed is small, the four seasons are distinct, the climate is pleasant, and the tourist comfort is long. The unique geography and climatic conditions have created the spring outing in chengkou county, the summer paradise, autumn maple leaves in red, Beautiful scenery all year round, and different styles.
<正> 现在中药厂出品的升丹,大部是三仙丹、主要成份是汞,具有强烈的解毒制菌作用,并稍带一些腐蚀性。把它研成细末,掺在黄柏膏等的纱布上,可以消散一切已变性而尚未成脓的肿
1 病例特点患者,男,53岁,因头晕4年余,行走不稳、语言不利1年,加重伴排尿困难1周于2005年10月12日入院.患者于2001年前4月出现头晕,站立时明显,卧位减轻或消失伴眼花、耳鸣,
目的探讨射波刀治疗海绵窦巨大海绵状血管瘤的有效性和安全性。方法共7例经影像学诊断的海绵窦巨大海绵状血管瘤患者,血管瘤体积11.86~70.12 cm3,中位值23.30 cm3,予射波刀分
高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)有效洞穴密度扩增会引起高寒草甸植物群落组分的变化。采用野外调查方法研究了高原鼠兔有效洞穴密度对青藏高原高寒草甸群落植物生态位的影响。结