在“工业学大庆”群众运动的热潮中,我支队以工人为主体的三结合气体保护焊研试小组,在各级党组织的正确领导和亲切关怀下,以阶级斗争为纲,遵照毛主席“独立自主、自力更生”的伟大方针,破除迷信、解放思想,在有关单位的大力支持下,经过九个多月艰苦努力,反复试验,反复修改,战胜了种种困难,攻破了道道难关,试制成一台基本上适用于我们水电站工程建设安装焊接的 CO_2气体保护全位置自动焊机,经过多次焊接试验,基本成
In the upsurge of mass movement in “Daqing Industrial University”, under the correct leadership and cordial care of the party organizations at all levels, the three-unit gas-shielded welding research team of our detachments, with workers as the main body, takes the class struggle as the key link and follows Chairman Mao’s With the vigorous support of the relevant units, after more than nine months of arduous efforts, repeated tests and repeated revisions, the great principle of “independence and self-reliance” has been put to rest the myth and liberation. A basically applicable to our hydropower project construction and installation of welding CO_2 gas protection full-position automatic welding machine, after several welding tests, the basic