
来源 :国外地质勘探技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adward006
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一、盐水作为油基泥浆、某种水基泥浆和完井液的主要组分而被用于油田,而盐的结晶或溶剂的冻结则可能产生许多问题.如:地表管线和泵可能被过量的固体堵塞;固体沉淀使液体密度下降,因而出现产层压井控制问题.同时,当钻遇盐层或向井下热泥浆补加盐后,泥浆比重也会改变;而泥浆冷却时,盐又可能在地表再凝结沉淀. 当一种不同的盐出现时,如果这种盐更易溶解,第一种盐(即开始配浆用的盐)就可能被第二种盐置换出来沉淀,这样也可引起泥浆性能的改变. First, salt water is used as a major component of oil-based muds, some water-based muds, and completion fluids, and salt crystallization or solvent freeze can create problems such as surface piping and pumps that can be over-sized Of the solids clogging; solid precipitation so that the liquid density decreased, resulting in production well killing control problem.At the same time, when drilling the salt or downhole hot mud to add salt, the mud weight will change; the mud cooling, salt May condense and settle on the surface. When a different salt is present, if the salt is more soluble, the first salt (ie, the salt with which the slurry starts to be used) may be displaced by the second salt to precipitate, Cause changes in mud properties.
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有一天妈妈跟我说,你应该长大了。突然之间,我必须要长大了。  记得小时候妈妈常在被窝里给我讲故事。那时我刚写完作业,炉子里的炭火在微弱地喘息,弟弟妹妹在酣睡,只有妈妈在静静地陪我。作业写完后,等妈妈把被窝暖透了,我才试探着钻进来,没等躺平便迫不及待地把冰凉的小脚丫使劲往她腿上、脚上蹭,有时,妈妈会把它们顺势塞进衣服里,在肚子上摩擦。等到完全吸走了妈妈的温暖,我便缓过神来,眨巴着眼睛摸着她的脸“嗯”
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巴蒂:这是我不能入选国家队的原因之一。有巴蒂我可能就永远不能打主力。可我想我的风格和巴蒂不同,我可以接受教练给我的任何任务。转会:啊……这个想法已经产生很久了, B