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目的:了解石河子第二十二中中学生健康状况。方法:对2016年石河子市第二十二中学1617各学生的体检资料进行分析,主要分析指标为营养不良率、超重率、肥胖率、视力不良率、龋患率、高血压检出率。计数资料比较采用χ~2检验,P<0.05差异有统计学意义。结果:石河子市第二十二中1617名学生中,小学生共1106人,中学生共511人;视力不良率为36.24%,龋患率为32.41%,肥胖率为15.96%,高血压检出率为5.94%,超重率为5.50%,营养不良率为5.19%;小学生超重率、龋患率均高于中学生(P值均<0.05),营养不良率、视力不良率均低于中学生(P值均<0.05);男生肥胖率高于女生,视力不良率女生高于男生(P值均<0.05)。结论影响学生健康的主要因素为视力不良、龋齿、肥胖等。加强健康教育,使学生养成良好的生活习惯、注意用眼及口腔卫生,从而提高学生健康水平。 Objective: To understand the health status of Twenty-second Middle School Students in Shihezi. Methods: The physical examination data of 1617 students from the 22nd secondary school in Shihezi City in 2016 were analyzed. The main analysis indexes were malnutrition rate, overweight rate, obesity rate, poor vision rate, caries prevalence and high blood pressure detection rate. Counting data were compared using χ ~ 2 test, P <0.05 difference was statistically significant. Results: Among the 1617 students in Shihezi city, there were 1,166 primary and secondary school students in total and 511 secondary school students in total. Among them, the rate of vision loss was 36.24%, the rate of caries was 32.41%, the rate of obesity was 15.96% and the rate of hypertension was 5.94 %, The rate of overweight was 5.50% and the rate of malnutrition was 5.19%. The rate of overweight and caries in pupils was higher than that of middle school students (P <0.05), malnutrition rate and poor vision rate were lower than those of middle school students ). The male obesity rate was higher than that of the female students, and the rate of poor eyesight students was higher than that of the male students (P <0.05). Conclusion The main factors affecting the health of students are poor eyesight, dental caries, obesity and so on. Strengthen health education to enable students to develop good living habits, pay attention to eye and oral hygiene, thereby enhancing the health of students.
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