Dual-channel phase-shifting interferometry for microscopy with second wavelength assistance

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dkmlyn
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Dual-channel phase-shifting interferometry for simultaneous phase microscopy is presented. Red and blue light beams are used for microscope illumination. A 45 tilted beamsplitter replicates the object and reference waves in red light together with the object wave in blue light into two parallel beams. The two resulting quadrature phase-shifting interferograms in red light and the object waves in blue light are generated in the two channels. The two interferograms are recorded simultaneously by a color charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, and can be separated via RGB components of the recorded color patterns without crosstalk. As a result, the phase of tested specimen can be retrieved. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by test performed on a microscopic specimen. Dual-channel phase-shifting interferometry for simultaneous phase microscopy is presented. Red and blue light beams are used for microscope illumination. A 45 tilted beamsplitter replicates the object and reference waves in red light together with the object wave in blue light into two parallel beams The two resulting quadrature phase-shifting interferograms in red light and the object waves in blue light are generated in the two channels. The two interferograms are recorded simultaneously by a color charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, and can be separated via RGB components of the recorded color patterns without crosstalk. As a result, the phase of tested specimens can be retrieved. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by test performed on a microscopic specimen.
2004年3月17日,Sun公司在北京召开的春季网络计算发布会上,其副总裁颜维伦博士为人们带来了Sun在网络计算领域的最新观念和产品——吞吐量计算系统。 March 17, 2004, Sun M
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