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1引言现代科学技术的飞速发展和人类社会向信息化的迈进,使得计算机信息系统在社会经济建设和发展中的作用迅速提高。为了有效地进行信息系统的规划、投资、开发、管理和维护,产生了应用经济学理论和方法来研究信息系统,即进行信息系统经济学研究的实际需要。西方发达国家早 1 Introduction The rapid development of modern science and technology and the progress of human society towards informationization have led to the rapid increase of the role of computer information system in the social economic construction and development. In order to carry on the planning, investment, development, management and maintenance of information system effectively, the theory and method of applied economics have come into being to study the information system, that is to say, to carry out the actual needs of the economics of information system. Western developed countries early
【正】 据美国亚巴马州的国际肥料开发中心的研究人员认为,水稻田里施用尿素的深度,是决定这种肥料肥效的重要因素之一。 国际水稻研究所农场已于1979年在旱季里,对水稻田硝
The present note is basically an announcement of a theoretical and experimental resolution of one of the most basic fundamental problems of physics, namely the
If Goldbach’s conjecture is true, then for each prime number p there is at least one pair of primes symmetric with respect to p and whose sum is 2p. In the mul
Combining two satellite cloud photographs of the eastern North Pacific separated by 18 hours in the spring of 1976 with concurrent weather measurements from the
Surface roughness is one of the most important evaluation indexes in machine cutting. In order to analyze how the tool path affects the roughness of the surface
Orchidaceae has known as an attractive flower and immense species. We have found a large species of Orchidaceae grow naturally in Papua’s jungle, Indonesia ter
A recently published review by Herendeen?et al.?is misleading, self-centered, self-praising, and self-conflicting. They excluded the famous early angiosperm?Arc
【正】 利用塑料薄膜地面覆盖栽培,是一项新兴的农业栽培技术。在农业生产比较先进的国家已经广泛应用,引入我国农业上应用也有几年的历史,开始运用于蔬菜类作物的覆盖栽培,