1985年,我公司在市场竞争激烈、原燃材料调价以及基本建设投资压缩的情况下,全公司产值,利税仍分别增长14%、57%和25%,利税增长大大超过了产值的增长。取得这一较好经济效益,与我们积极组织开展行业经济活动分析是分不开的。主要有以下几点做法: 一、开展定期的综合分析。公司规定每季终了召开一次经济活动分析会,由公司经理主持,所属各企业的分管厂长、财务、生产、供销等部门的负责人参加。先由各个企业汇报企业生产经营活动情况,然后根据汇报的情况,着重对利润、资金、成本
In 1985, under the conditions of fierce market competition, price adjustment of raw materials, and capital construction investment, the company’s output value, profits and taxes still increased by 14%, 57%, and 25%, respectively, and the growth of profits and taxes greatly exceeded the increase in output value. Obtaining this economic benefit is inseparable from our active analysis of industrial economic activities. There are mainly the following points: First, carry out regular comprehensive analysis. The company stipulates that an economic activity analysis meeting be held at the end of each quarter. The company’s manager will preside over the company. The heads of the companies in charge of the company, the finance, production, supply, and sales departments will participate. Firstly, each enterprise reports on the production and operation activities of the enterprise, and then according to the report, it focuses on profit, capital and cost.