搭建院地合作平台 促进高技术产业化发展——中国科学院沈阳分院积极探索院地合作的工作模式和运行机制

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进入新世纪,根据新时期办院方针、两次院产业化会议精神和院党组对分院工作的定位,中国科学院沈阳分院把开展院地合作、促进科技成果转化和高技术产业化作为中心工作,围绕建立院地合作“五大平台”的要求,积极探索院地合作的工作模式和运行机制,促进了区域经济的发展,为研究所知识创新工程试点的实施和高技术产业发展创造了良好的条件。经过努力,沈阳分院系统院地合作和高技术产业化工作取得显著成果,以分院院地合作委员会为核心,建立了完整的组 In the new century, according to the principle of running a hospital in the new era and the spirit of the two hospital industrialization meetings and the positioning of the party and government departments in the branch office, the Shenyang Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences takes the cooperation in hospital and field work as the central task, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the high-tech industrialization. Centering on the requirements of establishing “five platforms” for cooperation between institutes and institutes, the two sides should actively explore the working mode and operation mechanism of cooperation between institutes and land and promote the development of regional economy, and created a good foundation for the pilot implementation of the Institute of Knowledge Innovation Engineering and the development of high-tech industries conditions of. After hard work, Shenyang branch courtyard systematic cooperation and high-tech industrialization has made remarkable achievements, the branch courtyard cooperative committee as the core, established a complete group
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