七七抗战爆发以后,在皖浙赣革命根据地坚持斗争、经历了三年游击战争严峻考验的军民,为了适应党的战略任务的转变,在陈毅志同领导下,于瑶里改编为新四军第一支队第二团第三营。 三营发样地瑶里,座落在皖赣交界的江西一侧,是皖浙赣边区三年游击战争的根据地之一。瑶里原属浮梁县,现在是景德镇市的一个公社。新四军第一支队第二团第三营,是皖浙赣边区党和人民,在三年游击战争中保存下来的革命种子。 一九三四年十月,闽浙赣革命根据地的主力红军——红十军奉命北上抗日,闽浙赣省委
After the outbreak of the 7th Anti-Japanese War, they persevered in the revolutionary bases in Anhui, Zhejing and Jiangxi and experienced the severe tests of the guerrilla war in three years. In order to meet the strategic transformation of the party, under the leadership of Chen Yi-zhi, they were reorganized into the first Detachment second regiment third battalion. Sanying hair samples Yao, located in the Jiangxi-Jiangxi border at the junction of Anhui and Jiangxi is one of the three guerrilla war bases in the border provinces of Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangxi. Yao Li former Fuliang County, is now a commune in Jingdezhen. The Third Battalion of the Second Regiment of the First Detachment of the New Fourth Army is the revolutionary seed preserved by the parties and people in the border areas of Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangxi in the three years of guerrilla warfare. In October 1934, the Red Army, the main force of the revolutionary base areas of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, was ordered to go northward to fight the Japanese. The provincial ministries and commissions of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi