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为了探讨山区就地培育鱼种的方法,作者于1984年在浙江中部山区新昌县西郊乡六亩畈水库进行了鱼种培育试验,现报告如下。一、材料与方法(一)水库生态条件和渔业基础六亩畈水库形如短裤叉,库面开阔向阳,日照充足。库周植被良好,一半为稀疏松林,一半为茶园。最大水面12.6亩,最大水深8米。通常确定的宜鱼水面为9亩。库水主要用于农田灌溉,水位变动幅度 In order to explore the method of in-situ cultivation of fish species in mountainous areas, the author conducted a fish breeding experiment in 1984 in the Mu Mu Reservoir, Xijiao Township, Xinchang County, a mountainous area in central Zhejiang Province and is reported as follows. I. Materials and Methods (I) Reservoir Ecological Conditions and Fishery Basis The six-acre reservoir is shaped like a short trouser fork, with ample sunshine and abundant sunshine. Week vegetation is good, half of the sparse pine forest, half of the tea garden. The maximum surface of 12.6 acres, the maximum depth of 8 meters. Usually determine the appropriate fish surface is 9 acres. Reservoir water is mainly used for farmland irrigation, water level fluctuations
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