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最近由单位组织党员去革命军事博物馆参观了北京打击经济领域犯罪展览。展会展出的大量文字图片以及声像材料极大地震撼了我们的心灵,使我们深深感受到打击经济领域犯罪的迫切性和艰巨性。随着社会的进步和技术的发展,经济犯罪呈现出犯罪程度越来越严重、犯罪人员领导高层化和平民年轻化、金融领域犯罪严重以及作案手段高科技化等新的特点。中国自古以来就有这种劣观念:不患寡,而患不均。这就导致许多人心理不平衡。由于我国经济体制尚未完全转为市场经济,权力就意味着垄断,而垄断则意味着巨额的利润,这就是权钱交易的基础。而权色交易,领导为享乐,美女则为钱而求权,只不过披上了所谓爱情的伪装。至于领导高层化的特点,分析来可能与选拔干部不严很有关系。由于受过去政治挂帅,思想领先的错误路线束缚,认为经济问题不是什么 Recently, the unit organization members went to the Revolutionary Military Museum to visit the Beijing exhibition on combating economic crimes. The large number of texts and audiovisual materials exhibited at the show have greatly shocked our hearts and made us deeply feel the urgency and arduousness of cracking down crimes in the economic field. With the progress of society and the development of technology, the economic crimes have shown more and more serious crimes, the leaders of criminal committees are getting more and more serious, the civilians are rejuvenating, the crimes in the financial field are serious, and the techniques of crime are hi-tech. Since ancient times, China has such bad ideas: not widowed, but uneven. This leads to many people’s psychological imbalance. Since China’s economic system has not yet fully transformed itself into a market economy, power means monopoly, while monopoly means huge profits. This is the basis for trading power and money. The right color trading, leadership for pleasure, beauty is for money and claim, but put on the so-called love camouflage. As for the characteristics of leading high-level, the analysis may be related to the lack of strictness of the selection of cadres. Due to the past political straightening out the ideological leadership of the wrong line shackles, that the economic problem is not what
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