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深化改革,全面开放,加快经济发展,提前实现小康水平,已成为广东当前和今后面临的战略抉择。带着这个问题,1987年末,我们考察了东莞、顺德这两个经济发展具有典型意义的市(县),现报告如下: 开放改革中初步形成的经济发展新格局东莞、顺德是珠江三角洲经济最发达的市(县)。党的十一届三中全会以来,这两市(县)占开放改革的天时、地利、人和,充分发挥毗邻港澳,交通便利,华侨众多,自然条件优越的优势,以开放改革推动经济发展,初步形成了一种以外向型经济为导向,以发展工业为主体,以乡镇经济为主导的城乡一体化的经济发展新格局。1986年,东莞市工农业总产值达26.39亿元,比1978年增长了2.49倍,年均增长16.9%;顺德县工农业总产值达30.46亿元,比1978年增长了2.59倍,年均增长17.3%。1986年,两市(县)人均国民收入已达1,885元和1,714元。按1980年 Deepening reform, opening up in an all-round way, speeding up economic development and realizing a well-to-do level in advance have become the strategic choices that Guangdong now and in the future face. With this issue in mind, at the end of 1987, we examined the cities (counties) with their typical economic development in Dongguan and Shunde and report the following: A New Pattern of Economic Development Initiated in the Process of Opening-up Reform Shunde, the Pearl River Delta Economic World Developed city (county). Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, these two cities (counties) have taken the advantages of opening up to the outside world, giving full play to the proximity of Hong Kong and Maucao with convenient transportation and numerous overseas Chinese and taking advantage of natural conditions to promote economic development through opening up and reform , Initially formed a new pattern of economic development oriented by the export-oriented economy, taking the development of industry as the mainstay and the town-and-town economy as the leading urban-rural integration. In 1986, Dongguan City, the total output value of industry and agriculture reached 2.63 billion yuan, 2.49 times more than in 1978, an average annual increase of 16.9%; Shunde County, industrial and agricultural output reached 3.046 billion yuan, an increase of 2.59 times over 1978, an average annual growth 17.3%. In 1986, per capita national income of the two cities (counties) reached 1,885 yuan and 1,714 yuan. By 1980
我国城市改革的进程大致是: ——改革通过试点,由点到面逐步展开; ——改革由小企业发展到大、中型企业,由小商品发展到大商品,由中、小城市发展到大城市,是由易到难地向前推
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良师益友      如果让乔丹选择生命中的一个良师益友,那么既是成功商人也是战胜病魔的传奇人物约翰进将是第一人选。    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文。