Titanium carbonitride thick coating prepared by plasma spray synthesis and its tribological properti

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TiCN coating, owing to its superior wear-resistance, has been frequently applied in many fields. TiCN thick coating was first prepared by reactive plasma spraying. The phase composition, microstructure and tribological properties of the TiCN coating were investigated in this research. Experimental results show that the microstructure of the TiCN coating was quite dense, and there was also a little amount of titanium oxides within the coating. By XPS analysis, Ti-C and Ti-N bonds were detected in the coating. The TiCN coating exhibited superior wear-resistance. The failure mechanism was attributed to the ad-hesive wear, the grinding of TiCN hard-grain, as well as the coating failure by oxidation. There were more Fe, Cr, O, etc. in the failure zone, suggesting that the corrosion propagated gradually from sur-face to interior. TiCN coating, owing to its superior wear-resistance, has been frequently applied in many fields. TiCN thick coating was first prepared by reactive plasma spraying. The phase composition, microstructure and tribological properties of the TiCN coating were investigated in this research. show that the microstructure of the microstructure of the TiCN coating was quite dense, and there was also a little amount of titanium oxides within the coating. By XPS analysis, Ti-C and Ti-N bonds were detected in the coating. -resistance. The failure mechanism was attributed to the ad-hesive wear, the grinding of TiCN hard-grain, as well as the coating failure by oxidation. There were more Fe, Cr, O, etc. in the failure zone, suggesting that the corrosion is gradually graduated from sur-face to interior.
片名:Walk the Line 译名:一往无前导演:詹姆斯·曼高德主演:乔奎因·菲尼克斯瑞茜·威瑟斯彭罗伯特·帕物里克类型:传记/剧情/音乐发行:20世纪福克斯上映:2006年2月23日(香
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