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今年开春以来,农六师广大地区连续遭受了低温、干旱、沙尘暴和冰雹等自然灾害,受灾面积达到44万亩。然而,全师干部职工精神没有跨,人心没有散,抗灾自救的信心高涨,充分显示出思想政治工作的巨大威力。近年来,农六师党委始终把思想政治工作放在首位,作为激活全盘工作的核心来抓,使思想政治工作在全师改革和发展的各个层面生根开花,硕果累累。一是结合形势,宣传先行,营造良好的学习氛围。农六师各级党委在认真学习兵师“两会”精神中创造了许多生动活泼的学习教育形式。如各级党委利用中心学习小组的形式进行学习讨论,提高认识,统一思想:开展“科技之冬”培训活动,进行“三观”、“三义”、“三科”教育;开展“西部大开发,我们怎么办”的大讨论活动。与此同时,研究制定本单位加强思想政治工作和发展 Since the spring of this year, the six areas of agriculture have continuously suffered from natural disasters such as low temperature, drought, dust storms and hail. The affected area has reached 44 million mu. However, there is no cross-strait spirit among staff and staff of the entire division, the people’s hearts are not dispersed, and the confidence in rescuing and self-rescue is on the rise, fully demonstrating the great power of ideological and political work. In recent years, the Sixth Party Committee of the Peasantry Administration has always placed the ideological and political work first. As the core of activating the overall work, the ideological and political work has taken root and flourished at all levels of the reform and development of the entire division. First, combine the situation, advocacy first, to create a good learning environment. Sixth Party Committees at all levels have created many vivid and lively forms of study and education in the spirit of earnestly studying military divisions and the “two sessions”. For instance, party committees at all levels use the form of a central learning group to study and discuss, raise their awareness and unify their thinking: to carry out “winter in science and technology” training activities and conduct “three concepts”, “three justice”, “three subjects ”Education; carry out “ development of the western region, what should we do ”major discussion activities. At the same time, study and formulate this unit to strengthen ideological and political work and development
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