教育学生热爱农业劳动 立志建设新农村

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开学以来,在党的领导下,在以粮、钢为中心的增产节约运动和大办农业、大办粮食的大好形势鼓舞和推动下,学校中出现了一派新的气象。广大青、少年学生不但热烈响应党的教学改革的号召,用早到、到齐、学好的实际行动迎接了新学年的开始,而且投入了轰轰烈烈的支援农业的群众运动。增产节约和以农业为基础的学习、宣传活动也在建国十一周年前后达到了高潮。广大学生对党的领导和三面红旗更加拥护,信心更加坚定。他们说;“走千走万,离不开种田吃饭;千行万行,吃饭种田第一行。”他们表示要变三轻视(轻视农村、轻视农业、轻视农业劳动)为三热爱(热爱新农 Since the beginning of the academic year, under the leadership of the party, a new atmosphere has emerged in schools inspired and promoted by the grain-saving and steel-based campaigns of mass production and economy, the promotion of agriculture, and the great situation of providing food. The broad masses of young and middle-aged students not only responded enthusiastically to the call of the party’s teaching reform, but also embarked on the start of the new school year with practical actions of getting early, getting together and learning well, and devoted themselves to the vigorous mass movement that supported agriculture. Addition and saving and agriculture-based learning and publicity campaigns culminated around the 11th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The majority of students are even more confident in the party’s leadership and the three red flags. They said: “Going thousands of ways and thousands of miles can not do without the farmland to eat; they do everything in their own right and eat and farm in the first row.” They said they should change their three contempt (despising the countryside, despising agriculture and despising agricultural labor) for three love Farmers
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  Objective: Surgical trauma stress has been reported to induce immunosuppression.The mechanisms involved are still unclear.The mitogen-activated protein kina
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