
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:puhongzhi
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小菜蛾是武汉郊区造成十字花科蔬菜严重减产的主要害虫。1975年,此虫为害尤为猖獗。为了解决这一问题,我组与菜区贫下中农相结合,于1976年在青菱、长丰、和平公社的3个大队办了综合防治试验点,通过以点带面,有力地推动了大面积的综合防治。据不完全统计,市郊已有6个公社41个大队开展了这项工作,综合防治面积3万余亩,使蔬菜生产达到了产量高、虫口密度低、用药成本低。一、活动情况小菜蛾在武汉郊区一年可发生13代。无滞育现象或休眠期,世代重叠,一年四季连续繁殖。秋季猖獗为害后,大量虫口在大白菜、甘蓝、花椰菜、红菜苔上活动,12月至翌年元月迁到冬播的甘蓝、小白菜及 Plutella xylostella is a major pest in the suburbs of Wuhan that results in a severe cut in cruciferous vegetables. In 1975, the pest was particularly rampant. In order to solve this problem, our group combined with the poor peasants and middle peasants in the vegetable area. In 1976, they conducted comprehensive prevention and treatment trials in the three brigades of Qingling, Changfeng and Peace Corps. Through a series of experiments with point-by-area, they effectively promoted large-scale comprehensive prevention and treatment . According to incomplete statistics, 41 battalions of 6 communes in the suburbs have carried out this work. The comprehensive control area of ​​more than 30,000 mu has resulted in the high yield of vegetable production, the low population density and the low medication cost. First, the activity of diamondback moth in the suburbs of Wuhan a year can occur 13 generations. No diapause phenomenon or dormancy, generations overlap, continuous breeding throughout the year. After the fall rampant damage, a large number of insects in Chinese cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, red cabbage on the activities, December to January the following year moved to winter sowing cabbage, Chinese cabbage and
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随着分子生物学的发展 ,许多疾病的研究已达到分子水平 ,尤其是单基因疾病 ,许多病因不清的疾患已发现有基因水平的改变。促性腺激素释放激素 ( Gn RH )基因、 Gn RH-受体( G
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