
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoxuan1234
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A new three dimensional layered cobalt phosphate complex Co3(PO4)2·6H2O, was prepared by hydro-thermal reaction of Co(CH3COO)2·4H2O and H3PO4, NH4VO3. The crystal structure of the complex was deter-mined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The result indicates that it crystallizes in the tetragonal space group I4/m. It rarely occurs in cobalt phosphate complex to form two kinds of coordinate geometry of Co(Ⅱ), six water molecular oxygen atoms surround Co(Ⅱ) and form an octahedron geometry, Co(2) bond to four oxygen atoms from 4PO43- and one water molecular oxygen and build a tetragonal pyramid. The kinetic study shows that the first decomposition stage is governed by A B C mode. CSD: 414600. A new three dimensional layered cobalt phosphate complex Co3 (PO4) 2.6H2O, was prepared by hydro-thermal reaction of Co (CH3COO) 2.4H2O and H3PO4, NH4VO3. The crystal structure of the complex was deter mined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The resulting indicates that it crystallizes in the tetragonal space group I4 / m. It rarely occurs in cobalt phosphate complex to form two kinds of coordinate geometry of Co (II) The kinetic study shows that the first decomposition stage is governed by ABC mode. CSD: 414600. The kinetic study shows that the first decomposition stage is governed by ABC mode.
国际标准化组织电影技术委员会(ISO/TC 36)第24次全会于2017年8月在德国召开,中国电影技术标准代表团赴德国参加了本次全会.本文是参加ISO/TC 36第24次全会的技术报告,对全会
本文介绍了眼科工伤评残分析标准,共分10级40条。对评残依据作了详细说明,如视功能(视力、视野)障碍的评定,立体视觉损伤程度的评价,非工伤致残眼在评残时的处理及职业眼病评残等。 Th