
来源 :城市交通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bjkhs
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针对交通政策设计中决策过程的可选方法展开探讨。探索对出行政策进行综合预测、评价、优化以实现决策方案最优的可能性。从长远来看,为了适应像城市这样一个动态系统,采用了用地与交通相互影响模型(LUTI)的长期评估方法。在评估的全过程中,通过成本效益分析来衡量实施LUTI动态决策所产生的社会福利,然后通过优化程序使其达到最大化。这一模型在马德里市收费站最优定价策略项目中得到验证,该项目要求保证系统效率、社会公平以及环境质量。与其他定价方案相比,最优方案能以相对较低的收费产生更多的社会盈余。该实践结果突出强调了不同因素对研究区域以及对社会福利盈余的主要贡献者的影响,从而反思采用的成本分析方法是否可以作为设计可持续政策的最佳方法。 Discussion on Alternative Methods of Decision-making Process in Traffic Policy Design. Explore the comprehensive prediction of travel policy, evaluation, optimization in order to achieve the best possible decision-making programs. In the long run, in order to adapt to a dynamic system like the city, a long-term assessment of land use and traffic interdependence model (LUTI) has been used. Throughout the assessment, social benefits resulting from the implementation of LUTI’s dynamic decisions are measured through a cost-benefit analysis and then maximized through an optimization process. The model is validated at the Madrid Tariff Optimal Pricing Strategy project, which requires system efficiency, social equity and environmental quality. Compared with other pricing schemes, the optimal solution can generate more social surpluses with relatively lower fees. This practice highlighting the impact of different factors on the study area and on the major contributors to social welfare surpluses so as to reflect on whether the cost analysis approach adopted can be the best way to design a sustainable policy.
夏利、华利都是天津大发汽车厂生产的微型汽车。天津华利(TJ1010型)配装 TJ370Q 型发动机,夏利(TJ7100型)配装 TJ376Q 型发动机,目前在社会上出租车中占有相当大的比例。另
Objective: To explore the effect and mechanism of microRNA-208a(mi R-208a) in the mitochondrial apoptosis of cardiomyocytes of neonatal rats. Methods: The prima
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Human pluripotent stem cells(h PSCs) represent heterogeneous populations, including induced pluripotent stem cells(i PSCs), endogenous plastic somatic cells, an
在中国,你从来不会听到主动纳税这一说,大部分的公民觉得纳税是把钱给了国家,自己没有得到任何好处,所以是能逃则逃,而企业则是不停地在寻找合理避税的途径,面对这样的现状,税务机关也无从下手,为什么?法不责众。那么,到底为什么会造成这样的局面呢?  一、原因分析  (一)从税收的本质特征来说,我们的教科书上告诉我们,税收具有三性,强制性,无偿性,固定性,对于这几点,财政学界很多专家学者表示过质疑,李炜光