Module 10 Unit 3—4 阶段测试

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  一、单项填空 (共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  1. With HIV across the world at a high rate, more and more scientists are working together to find a solution.
  A. spreading B. spread
  C. are spreading D. are spread
  2. to his research work, the doctor worked day and night.
  A. Devoting B. Devoted
  C. Being devoted D. Be devoted
  3. School starts at 6:30 every morning, the vast majority of students are satisfied.
  A. to which B. for which
  C. at which D. with which
  4. It is required that great effort to fight a new kind of crime—cybercrime.
  A. paid B. be paid
  C. be paying D. are paid
  5. There is no doubt teamwork is a key to solving the difficult task.
  A. when B. whether
  C. that D. which
  6. Nowadays, more and more buildings to ease Chinas housing problem.
  A. are built B. have been built
  C. having been built D. are being built
  7. If in, this kind of virus is difficult to cure.
  A. breathed B. is breathed
  C. being breathed D. breathing
  8. The manager had him , for his honesty to the company.
  A. to be promoted B. promoted
  C. to promote D. be promoted
  9. Students should the habit of reading their notes before class.
  A. get B. catch
  C. fall into D. make
  10. Do you know the reason why they with each other?
  A. broke down B. broke off
  C. broke into D. broke up
  11. so many problems, the boy wondered what he should do first.
  A. Facing B. Being faced
  C. Faced D. Face
  12. She has always the view that children should be given responsibility from an early age.
  A. subscribed to B. contributed to
  C. admitted to D. exposed to
  13. his ability, he is fit for the job which has a high requirement.
  A. Given B. Considering
  C. Considered D. Concerned
  14. Im willing to attend professor Lis lecture about cybercrime.
  A. no more than B. more than
  C. less than D. no less than
  15. —Do you know if the detective is willing to deal with the case?
  — , does it?
  A. It takes no time
  B. It counts for nothing
  C. It doesnt hurt to ask
  D. It doesnt make sense
  Sometimes I feel discouraged because I wanted to know why we as a culture wait until somebody has passed away before we tell them how much we love them. Why do we 16 until someones ears cant hear 17 we let them know how much they mean to us? Why do we wait until it is too late before we recall the good qualities of a person? Why do we 18 someone up after they have gone into eternity? What good does it do then? We share 19 after memory, as we laugh, cry, and think back about what was 20 in a persons life. Yes, it does help us cope with the grief of losing someone who was special to us, 21 , yes, it does bring those who are coping closer together. Unfortunately, as we lovingly remember this person, our words fall short of the ears that most needed to 22 them.   Just once I would like to see a 23 of life instead of a gathering of death. A celebration 24 stories are told, eyes mist over, 25 rings out, and as the speaker concludes his or her loving tribute, the person they are honoring 26 from their chair and gives them the biggest bear hug! Wouldnt that be something! The special people get to hear the stories and come to the 27 that they have made a difference on this earth, and all this is done well before they leave their earthly bodies and go into eternity. When the 28 funerals finally come, we can say goodbye with the knowledge that they knew 29 how people felt about them while they were here on earth.
  Do you 30 someone? Then tell them! Has someone been an 31 in your life? Then give them a call! Has someone made a difference in your life? Then write them a letter or send them an email! Dont let another day 32 by without letting that person know. There is something special about a written letter that 33 feelings of love towards another.
  Life is too short to leave kind words 34 . The words you say, or the letter you write, might just make all the 35 in the world.
  16. A. waitB. expect
  C. holdD. stand
  17. A. whileB. when
  C. beforeD. until
  18. A. setB. build
  C. takeD. bring
  19. A. recallB. remembrance
  C. retentionD. memory
  20. A. positiveB. negative
  C. uncertainD. actual
  21. A. butB. and
  C. howeverD. or
  22. A. observeB. watch
  C. listenD. hear
  23. A. merrimentB. congratulation
  C. observationD. celebration
  24. A. whatB. how
  C. whereD. which
  25. A. laughterB. smile
  C. chuckleD. snicker
  26. A. aroseB. rises
  C. raisesD. raised
  27. A. realizationB. recognization
  C. awarenessD. know
  28. A. unavoidableB. inevitable
  C. inescapableD. ineluctable
  29. A. correctlyB. precisely
  C. exactlyD. accurately
  30. A. hateB. admire
  C. loveD. dislike
  31. A. influentialB. fluency
  C. fluentD. influence
  32. A. passB. go
  C. getD. keep
  33. A. hintsB. suggests
  C. expressesD. shows
  34. A. unseenB. unheard
  C. unsaidD. undone
  35. A. differenceB. contribution
  C. confessionD. distinction
  Mr. Wang, 85, is a retired army officer. He has been marrying his 69yearold wife for 50 years. The couple suffers in succession the Alzheimers disease when getting old. The disease took their health and memory away, but couldnt change their decades of deep feelings of each other. They forget everything, but still recognize each others face. They look for the others company at any time.   Mr. and Mrs. Wang hold each others hands tightly when taking a walk outside. Only losing the view of his wife for a minute, Mr. Wang will be very anxious.
  Mr. Wang usually got angry when forgetting his location. When feeling the bad temper of his husband, Mrs. Wang would lose her temper at the same time and help his husband to blame others.
  Recently, Mrs. Wangs condition worsened. She had to receive 24 hours care in the care center. Mr. Wang had to leave his wife every evening. The separation was hard every time, Mr. Wang kept saying, “Wheres my wife? I have to take her home.”
  Contrary to Mr. Wangs anxiety, Mrs. Wang, in a serious stage of disease, appeared happy every day. She liked to wear red dresses and told the people around her that she was going to be married. When people asked her whom she would marry, she voiced out clearly and proudly the name of her husband. Her memory stopped at the happiest period of her life forever.
  36. An old man who suffers in succession the Alzheimers disease may .
  A. lose part of his memory
  B. fail to recognize his wifes face
  C. change his deep feelings of his wife
  D. remember something suddenly
  37. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
  A. Mr. Wang has been marrying his 69yearold wife for more than 50 years.
  B. Mr. Wang will be very anxious when losing the view of his wife for several days.
  C. Mr. Wangs condition worsened because he forgot his location recently.
  D. Mr. Wang felt anxious when his wife was in a serious stage of disease.
  38. We can learn from the passage that .
  A. The Alzheimers disease took Mr. Wang memory away
  B. Mrs. Wang would lose her temper when forgetting her location
  C. Although Mr. Wang suffered from the Alzheimer, his love changed little
  D. Mrs. Wangs memory always stopped at the happiest period of her life
  39. What would be the best title for the passenger?
  A. An old couple—Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang
  B. An old couple—their constant love
  C. An old couple with the Alzheimers disease
  D. An old couples hard life
  Charlie Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. He flew 74 consecutive successful combat missions. However,on his 75th mission, his F4Phantom fighter was destroyed by a surfacetoair missile and he was forced to eject. The only thing between him and imminent death was his parachute that he prayed would open. The parachute did open and Charlie made it down to the ground alive, but he was captured and spent 6 years as a prisoner of war in a Vietnamese prison camp.   One day, many years after returning to his homeland, Charlie and his wife were sitting in a little restaurant in Kansas City when he noticed two tables over was this guy who kept looking at him.
  Charlie looked back but didnt recognize him, but he kept catching this guy staring at him. Finally the guy stood up and walked over to Charlies table and said, “Youre Captain Plumb.” Charlie looked up at him and said, “Yes, I am Captain Plumb.” The guy said, “Youre that guy. You flew jet fighters in Vietnam. Youre a fighter pilot, part of that ‘Top Gun’ outfit. You launched from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, you parachuted into enemy territory and you spent six years as a prisoner of war.”
  Somewhat dumbfounded, Charlie looked up at the guy and asked, “How in the world did you know all that?” The man chuckled and said, “Because I packed your parachute.”
  Charlie was speechless. The man grabbed Charlies hand and pumped his arm and said, “I guess it worked,” and walked off.
  Charlie laid awake that night, thinking about all the times he had walked through the long narrow room, below sea level on the aircraft carrier, with the tables where the men packed the parachutes. He wondered how many times he must have walked past this man without even saying “hi,” “good morning” or “good job” or “I appreciate what you do.”
  “How many times did I pass the man whose job would eventually save my life... because I was a jet jockey, a top gun racing around the sky at twice the speed of sound; because I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor?” he asked himself.
  Think about this for yourself. How many times in life do you pass the people who help you out the most? The people who come out of the far corners of your life just when you need them the most and pack your parachutes for you? The people who go the extra mile, the people who dont look for the kudos or the accolades or the achievement medal or even the bonus check—the folks who are just out there packing parachutes?
  40. Why did the guy know so much about Charlie Plumb?
  A. Because the guy once worked with Charlie Plumb.
  B. Because the guy parachuted into enemy territory.
  C. Because the guy packed Charlie Plumbs parachute.
  D. Because the guy spent six years as a prisoner of war.
  41. What kind of person does Charlie Plumb belong to?
  A. Creative. B. Enthusiastic.
  C. Negative. D. Thoughtful.
  42. What can be inferred from the passage?   A. Charlie Plumb flew 75 consecutive successful combat missions.
  B. Charlie Plumb parachuted into enemy territory on his 75th mission.
  C. Charlie Plumb should have said “hi,” “good morning” or “good job”, etc.
  D. Charlie Plumb always asked himself some questions about life.
  43. What is main idea of this passage?
  A. We should show our politeness to those humble people.
  B. We should show our respect to those who work very hard.
  C. We should show our gratitude to those who help us silently.
  D. We should show our enthusiasm to all the people equally.
  Unless youve been under a rock or completely unconscious, you know how popular games and the video gaming industry has become over the last 10 years.
  A multibillion dollar industry, gaming, has impacted everything from foreign policy to the sports world. The impact on games and training in the military has even changed the way we fight wars.
  And if you have children, you know what it does to kids whenever they are sent to their rooms to clean.
  The reality is, even if you dont like them, video games have come and arent going anywhere.
  To be honest, I havent regularly played video games since the days of Nintendos Super Mario Brothers. Considered high tech for its time, games have moved into more futuristic formats. We are talking about movement simulators, sensors that detect body gestures; you dont even need wires or connectors. I was one of those adults who swore that games were a waste of time and I had more important life missions than sitting on a couch wasting my time. What I found the other day was another perspective from a true ‘gamer’ on what I could learn if I took the time. Heres how my obsessed gaming friend schooled me:
  Games teach us about rules: Everything in our life has a set of standards, rules if you will. These rules govern the basic platform of performance. The cool thing about games is that after you successfully conquer the beginners rules, you are than ready to take on the larger challenge of figuring out how to bypass them. Everyone wants to conquer something. The problem is we start from square one seeking to change the game before we have mastered the rules. Whether you are in advertisement, management or government, you can rewrite the game, but first you must master the rules.
  Games teach us about the ladder of success: Everyone in the gaming world talks about the levels they are able to attain. If you are on Face Book, you hear people brag about where they currently are on Candy Crush. The moral of the story is you are not successful until you climb the proverbial ladder to the next level. Sound familiar? Sales are about getting to the next level. Relationships are about getting to the next level. Everything you want out of life is outside of your current comfort zone, or level. Gaming teaches that being satisfied with where you are is a self delusion when there is so much more available.   Games teach us that keeping score is still important: Somewhere along the way we stop pedvaluing the score. I am not saying it is the only thing that matters, but lets be is important. I grew up in a time where everyone didnt get atrophy for ‘participating’. Nowadays kids get stickers and such just for showing up. Then when they leave school and join the work force, they have a rude awakening. I think score keeping shows us our potential, leads to our motivation and celebrates those who put forth the effort to train. What would Sunday be like if football scores were not given? Who won? What is the teams record? Exactly! We need scores to govern our efforts.
  With a house full of kids, my mornings usually started off with me confiscating all electronic devices so that we could get out, off to school and work before noon. I would find them hiding in closets or the bathroom just to sneak five more minutes with their precious games. I thought they were addicted, but turns out they may have been learning some valuable life skills too. Either way, my buddy who is an avid gamer has shed some light on the subject for me
  44. Games have all the following influences on our lives except ?
  A. our foreign policy
  B. the sports world
  C. the way we fight wars
  D. our military
  45. What can games teach us?
  A. Rules about everything.
  B. Score is still important.
  C. Satisfaction with everything.
  D. Ways to bring up kids.
  46. Whats the writers main idea towards game?
  A. We can learn from game.
  B. He doesnt like game.
  C. It wastes our precious time.
  D. Kids should stop playing games.
  In the past few months, I started noticing that Ive become a slave. Im a slave to the internet, and Im a slave to my phone. I tried remembering how many times I havent used my phone for more than an hour in the last few years, but I couldnt.
  Dont get me wrong, Im a huge fan of the internet. I hear the oldschoolers talk about how the internet is killing everything, how we humans are deteriorating because of it. I hear them say that bloggers are not journalists and that social connections are not relationships, but I think they are wrong.
  Technology, including in large part the internet, alongside human relationships, is one of the connections that moves our society forward. The innovation that appears in all aspects of our daily lives allows us to be smarter, faster, better. So every time I hear the oldschoolers talk about how the internet is a bad thing, I wonder why they wouldnt want to be better.   The BIG problem with the internet is that it makes us dependent. Quite often, I see people (and Im one of them) that actually look and act like junkies. They cant stop playing with their phone, iPod, PC, or tablet. They cant disconnect themselves from the nonstop stream of information that the internet provides us. Like everything in life, when you find yourself dependent on something, it might be the right time to start thinking about whether you need to stop and restart yourself.
  Here are a few tips to help you take a break from your digital addiction:
  1. Put your phone facedown.
  I recently had the good fortune of discovering a fantastic project called This project is a creation of a young entrepreneur who had enough. He wanted to focus on the things that mattered the most, mainly the people he encountered and his thoughts. One day he realized that the phone was his biggest obstacle.
  So what does it mean to put your phone facedown? It means that you are preventing your mobile device from capturing your attention every time you receive an email, message, or any other stream of information. Its not just a statement; its a way of life. Keeping your phone facedown means that you are trying to normalize the way you think and act, it means that once again you are in control of your time and focus and will not let any app or service control you.
  2. Go back to sleep.
  Since moving to New York (while my team remains in Tel Aviv), I have been suffering from severe jet lag. This basically causes me to wake up at least three times throughout the night.
  The big problem with waking up in the middle of the night, is that while its 3:30 AM in New York its also 10:30 AM in Tel Aviv. This means that in the middle of the night, I wake up to at least thirty emails, messages, and push notifications. For some reason, I cant help but check each one of those notifications until Im so awake that sleep has become impossible. One thing leads to another, and I suddenly find myself answering emails and going on Facebook and Twitter, all because I picked up my phone instead of going back to sleep.
  3. Walk everywhere.
  Im a big fan of walking, and I try to take a walk whenever possible. Besides the fact that its so healthy for your body and your mind, walking allows me to focus on the world around me instead of looking at my phone. One of the reasons I like walking is that its the only time I have to myself. I put some music on, and just walk. I cant text or send emails because not only is it not comfortable, but its impossible to think properly while on the move. Walking allows me to concentrate on my thoughts and relax.   4. Meditate.
  There is much to say about the effect meditation has on your body and soul. Sitting quietly and slowly breathing in and out gives you time to focus on your inner self. Taking just a bit of time from your daily schedule to perform mediation will allow you to stop everything at once and focus on yourself with no other distractions. Dedicating even 5 minutes a day to meditate can provide you with quiet relief from all the distractions out there such as your phone and computer.
  5. Turn off (most of) your push notifications.
  The good thing about push notifications is that they ensure that you wont miss anything happening right now. The downside is that you can never know when the next distraction is coming. To be fair, I understand the importance of enabling push notifications from your email client, so lets focus on other apps. Do you really need instant notification about every ‘like’ you get on Instagram, or every time someone invites you to an event on Facebook?
  Think about how much you can reduce the noise and distraction if you turned off the push notifications in most of your news / social apps. As I said, push notifications can help us to not miss important things that come into our phone, but too many push notifications from less important sources and apps can prevent us to see the real things that we will came across in our real life.
  Technology, sometimes we cant live with it but we certainly cant live without it, but once we know how to find the balance between our constant need to be fed with information to the human need of interacting with others—we will stop being digital slaves.
  47. What is the BIG problem with the internet?
  A. It makes us lazy.
  B. It makes us smart.
  C. It makes us independent.
  D. It makes us dependent.
  48. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
  A.The writer has become a internet slave in the past few months.
  B. The writer is a big fan of walking, but he has stopped taking a walk.
  C. The innovation has brought some changes on our lives.
  D. We need to find a balance between information and human interactions.
  49. The followings are the tips to help readers take a break from digital addiction EXCEPT .
  A. preventing your mobile device from capturing your attention
  B. answering emails and going on Facebook and Twitter
  C. sitting quietly and slowly breathing in and out   D. enabling push notifications from your email client
  50. Why does the writer write this article?
  A. To tell readers the advantages of the internet.
  B. To tell readers the disadvantages of the internet.
  C. To tell readers tips to help us take a break from digital addiction.
  D. To tell readers to keep a balance between internet and life.
  四、任务型阅读 (共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  Recently I had a conversation in Beijing with an adult Chinese friend who was complaining how difficult it is to study English. No surprises there. It is a difficult language to master, just like Chinese.
  I made a few suggestions based on my own experience. One involved a very valuable fact which I learned from my high school Latin and Greek teacher. He was a Jesuit priest, a gifted linguist, and had an amazing ability to memorize things, like poetry, essays, speeches, etc.
  His advice to us students was that for memorization purposes, there are forty minutes each day in which our memory is vastly more receptive than it is during the other 23 hours and 20 minutes. This 40minute “super memory” period is divided into two parts: the 20 minutes before we sleep, and the 20 minutes after we first awake.
  The theory supporting this is pretty simple. First, the last information you input into your brain before a good nights sleep has a better chance of taking root than information acquired during the hustle bustle of normal daily routine; and, second, your mind is free of distraction when you first awake in the morning—so more receptive to inputs, like a blank slate.
  I took the advice to heart and it served me well in my school years. In my university days, our Chinese teacher would assign us 200 new vocabulary words each day, on which we would be quizzed the following day. Without the “magic” forty minute technique, theres no way I would have passed those daily quizzes.
  The technique really works, but like many things, it takes practice and discipline to hone and perfect it.
  As far as language study goes, its not only useful for memorizing vocabulary. Its also a very useful window of time in which to listen to the language youre studying, even as background noise, and even if its at a level you find difficult to comprehend. It might be audio language study aids, or just radio, TV or whatever.
  Beyond our years of formal education, memory skills are hugely important in any career.   How many times have you heard a speaker read their speech from a prepared text, or read the wordbyword content of a powerpoint presentation as they present each slide?
  These are annoying, distracting, boring, and ineffective ways of communicating. They are almost guaranteed to lose the audiences close attention and interest, let alone persuade or inspire anyone to do anything. And yet lots of people still make this mistake.
  If you use the “forty minute” technique, you may not succeed in memorizing your presentation contents on a 100% wordbyword basis, but youll be familiar enough that you can spend much more time making eye contact with your audience. You will engage them in the process, while glancing at your text instead of staring at it. This will also free up your hands and arms to add some emphasis through gesture.
  Memory is of course a big challenge for any language learner, especially as we grow older. Possibly an even bigger challenge, which starts around the preteen years for most people and gets progressively worse, is the fear of looking or sounding stupid.
  Younger children are generally uninhibited by this kind of selfconsciousness when among their peers, and thats one reason they learn language so quickly. They are not afraid to mimic, even if they get it wrong. Mimicry and imitation are core elements of the natural process of language learning.
  So, for young adults learning English or any second language, my advice would be threefold: 1)seize the fortyminute learning window; 2) slay the dragon of selfconsciousness associated with mispronunciation or sounding funny; and 3)find ways to use the language outside of the classroom, as regularly and frequently as possible.
  One fundamental rule of language learning is:“Use it, or lose it.”
  The paybacks of success are enormous and lifelong.
  Likewise, the cost of failure is high. It includes all the money spent on tuition and associated expenses, plus a huge amount of time poorly spent. Not necessarily wasted, but poorly spent because the results could have been so much better.
  Title: 51. on learning English
  52. The 40minute “super memory” period is beneficial to us.
  theoryFirst, the last information has a better 54. of taking root.
  Second, your mind is 55. of distraction when you first awake in the morning.
  My study experienceThe ‘forty minutes’ technique 56. well.
  57. Its not only useful for memorizing vocabulary. Its also a very useful window of time in which to listen to the language 58. youre studying.   59. Although memory is a big 60. for any language learner, the ‘forty minutes’ technique is helpful to them.
  收获成绩提高了,信心大增,目标明确不足1. 考前紧张,心理素质差
  2. 父母的期望过高,仍达不到要求
  Dear Wang peng,
  How time flies! I have been a senior three students for three months. During this period, I have received a lot from my studies. However, I also have a lot of weaknesses to overcome. On this special occasion, I would very much like to share my strengths and weaknesses with you.
  I am quite confident of my future life and I do wish you good health and a happy life.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Hua
  一、1—5 ABDBC 6—10 DABCD 11—15AABBC
  二、16—20 ACBDA 21—25 BDDCA26—30 BABCC 31—35 DBCCA
  三、36—40 ADCBC 41—45 DCCDB46—50 ADBBC
  四、51. Suggestions 52. opinion / point / viewpoint53. Supporting 54. chance 55. free
  56. works57. Benefits / Advantages 58. that / which 59. Conclusion 60. challenge
  One possible version:
  Dear Wang peng,
  How time flies! I have been a senior three students for three months. During this period,I have received a lot from my studies. However, I also have a lot of weaknesses to overcome. On this special occasion, I would very much like to share my strengths and weaknesses with you.
  Thanks to my teachers encouragement, I have achieved one of my goals of being a student above average. My English improved a lot; I also challenged myself by solving some difficult problems in other subjects so that I can achieve more in my studies. Now, I have become more confident about my studies. I believe my higher goals will be achieved.
  However, I still have a lot of weaknesses in my studies. I have a weak mind, for my poor marks in my previous studies. I feel nervous and sleepless before the exams. Besides, I have to work day and night to satisfy my parents higher requirements.
  How valuable the time is! To have a better performance in the following period, I have to meet two goals. First, I will be more careful in my studies to avoid some careless mistakes; Whats more, I will strengthen my mental abilities, which is beneficial to improving my mental health, to have a better performance in my exams. (164 words)
  I am quite confident of my future life and I do wish you good health and a happy life.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Hua
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摘 要:本文通过对我校低、中、高年级段学生和教师的问卷调查,把握当前我校学生的写字情况,为十二五课题《构建学校写字教学特色的实践研究》提供决策依据,让学校的办学特色影响学校的文化建设,让学校的文化建设引领学校的办学特色,使学校特色更具张力和魅力,使学校发展更具潜力,促进学生全面发展。  关键词:写字教学;决策依据;素质教育;办学特色;全面发展  中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A 文章编