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手机一度成为一大批“骨灰级发烧友”疯狂追逐的对象,能够在第一时间内用上最新款的手机被认为是一种很时尚的表现。但是,近来关于这一问题的讨论越来越多,因为随着手机更新换代的周期加快,这种赶时髦的手机消费方式已经被评价为“不够理性”,而选择一款自己喜欢的成熟机型逐渐成了手机消费的主流形式。不过,最近一种新的手机消费形式又开始大面积流行,那就是收藏手机。要说收藏手机的发烧友,那种狂热与“追新一族”相比有过之而无不及。有位朋友是这样描述与机友见面时的情景的,“随着康桑林(注:一酒吧)的山碴茶摆上玻璃桌的就有好几个手机了,而且绝非常物,那服务员楞楞地把我们看着,朋友说,我们是卖手机的,在谈业务”。可见数量之多,且都非寻常的“路边机”(笔者新学的名词,据说是人手一个的那种机型)。 今天我们要来说的就是“收藏级”的手机,这些机型应当是经典且相当有特色的,不过这只能代表笔者的个人意见,或许你愿意收藏的手机和我不同呢。 Mobile phone was once a large number of “hardcore enthusiasts,” the object of crazy chase, the first time with the latest models of mobile phones is considered a very stylish performance. However, discussions on this issue have become more and more recent as the trendy handset consumption patterns have been evaluated as “not rational enough” as the mobile phone replacement cycle accelerates, choosing a mature model of its own Gradually became the mainstream form of mobile phone consumption. However, recently a new form of mobile phone consumption began to popularize, that is, the collection of mobile phones. To say that the collection of mobile phone enthusiasts, the kind of fanatical and “chasing new clan” compared to nothing. One friend described the scene when meeting a plane friend. “There are several cell phones on the glass table with the tea of ​​Kang Sang Lin, Leng Leng looked at us, my friend said, we are selling cell phones, talking about business. ” Visible as much, and all unusual “roadside machine” (the author of new terminology, is said to be the kind of manpower one). Today we are talking about the “collection level” mobile phones, these models should be classic and quite unique, but it can only represent the author’s personal opinion, perhaps you are willing to collect the phone and I differ.
目的:探讨心房颤动对原发性高血压患者血压昼夜节律变化的影响. 方法:选取2013年1月至2014年1月医院就诊患者173例,分为心房颤动合并原发性高血压组(房颤合并高血压组)85例,
Mobile internet and wireless communication technologies have produced un-precedented location-aware data.Such big geospatial data can be used as a proxy measure
鄂西建始地区五峰组-龙马溪组黑色页岩发育,尚未建立古生物地层序列.基于建地1井及湘鄂渝地区23个穿越奥陶系和志留系钻井、剖面资料,研究建始地区五峰组-龙马溪组黑色页岩笔石序列,分析湘鄂水下高地演化模式及其对页岩气成藏影响.建地1井从奥陶系Dicellograptus complexus(WF2)带至志留系Stimulograptus sedgwickii(LM8)带,共包含8个笔石带,缺失了Per