说进入地方党委任常委的军政主官是“军事常委”也好,“地方常委”也好,或说“武常委也好,只是称呼不同而已,大可不必统一。但要统一的是思想、认识、态度等。如果把当“常委”看成“官”,就会摆“官架子”,伸手要权力,要地位,要享受;如果把当“常委”视为“公仆”,就会甘为“孺子牛”,树党的形象,军队的形象。 省军区系统一名主官进入地方党委任常委,是中央的规定,是为了真正落实“党管武装”制度。我区面广,进入市(县)任党委常委的多,他们认真执行双重领导制度,积极开展民兵预备役工作,加强了国防后备力量建设。然而,一些同志在任职中,摆不正位置,在处理、协调军地关系时“变味”,越位越权,造成不好影响;有的同志在单位以“我是常委”自居,导致班子不团结……等等情况说明,怎样当好“军事常委”很有学问。本期编发的稿件,从不同侧面回答这一问题,值得一读。
That the military and civilian administrators who enter the local party’s appointed standing committee are “military standing committees” or “local standing committees,” or that “the standing committees of the two armed groups are different, Understanding, attitude, etc. If we treat the ”Standing Committee“ as an ”official“, we will find ”official stands,“ reach out for power, status, and enjoyment. If we treat the ”Standing Committee“ as a ”public servant,“ we will For the ”slaughter of cattle“, the image of the tree party, the image of the army.Military system of a provincial governor into the local party to appoint a member of the Standing Committee is the central provisions in order to truly implement the ”party controlled by armed“ system. (Counties) served as members of the party committee and more, they conscientiously implement the dual leadership system, and actively carry out the militia reserve work, strengthening the building of national defense reserve forces .However, some comrades in office, put an incorrect position, in handling and coordinating military relations ” Smelly “offside and beyond, resulting in a bad influence; some comrades in the unit” I am a member of the Standing Committee “itself, leading to the unity of the team ... and so on, how to be good” Military Standing Committee "very knowledgeable. Manuscripts, from different Face to answer this question, it is worth reading.