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“我跟您走一会儿行吗?”身着蓝色裙装的女孩,从故宫午门东雁翅楼“浴火重光”展厅里紧走几步,追上了一位头发花白的老太太。老太太刚刚在展厅里滔滔不绝讲解,这会被一群粉丝拦住要求合影。被“追”的老太太叫周娅,今年70岁了。20年前退休的她,15年前开始在各大博物馆当志愿讲解员——从2002年在国家博物馆讲解《大唐风韵》《启蒙的艺术》,此后一发不可收:在中华世纪坛博物馆讲解《意大利文艺复兴》《从莫奈到毕加索》,再到故宫博物院讲解《故宫藏历代书画展》《梵 “I walk with you for a while? ” The girl dressed in blue skirt, from the Forbidden City Meridian Gate East Wing House “Bath fire light ” tight tight take a few steps to catch up with a gray hair Old lady The old lady just talked about in the exhibition hall, this will be stopped by a group of fans asked for a photo. Was called “chasing ” the old woman called Zhou Ya, 70 years old this year. After retiring 20 years ago, she began volunteering as a lecturer in major museums 15 years ago. Since 2002, she has explained “the charm of the Tang Dynasty” and “the art of enlightenment” at the National Museum of Chinese History. Since then, Explain the “Italian Renaissance” “from Monet to Picasso”, then to the National Palace Museum to explain “Forbidden City collection of calligraphy and painting exhibition” "Vatican
我院1983年~1994年收治小儿腹部外伤82例,其中经手术证实腹部多脏器损伤35例,占42.7%。现报告如下。 临床资料 一、一般资料 本组男19例,女16例。年龄2~12岁。腹部闭合性损伤32
Doxorubicin(ADM)-loaded magnetic anticancer nanoparticles,using Fe3O4 as core, doxorubicin as model drug and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as matrix, were prepared
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卫生部日前印发《次氯酸钠类消毒剂卫生质量技术规范》和《戊二醛类消毒剂卫生质量技术规范》,加强消毒产品的监督管理。 The Ministry of Health has issued the Technical
一、二战后日本经济发展的经验与教训(一 )二战后日本经济发展的历程2 0世纪 4 0年代以前 ,日本经济一直持续增长 ,而在 194 0— 194 5年期间 ,日本经济开始大幅滑坡。到了 1
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