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今年一月二十六日,首都一家报纸在《文艺之窗》专栏里,发了一条一百十多个字的简讯《首届莎士比亚戏剧节将在京举办》,想不到这条短消息却引起了一场轩然大波。事情还得从戏剧节的筹备工作谈起:一九八四年十二月五日,在上海召开的中国莎士比亚研究会成立大会暨首届年会的闭幕式上,理事会宣布,首届莎士比亚戏剧节将于一九八六年春季在上海举行。这消息传到北京后,首都广大戏剧工作者也纷纷要求同时在北京举行莎士比亚逝世三百七十周年的纪念演出,十八个单位一致邀请中央戏剧学院牵头,不久便成立了组织委员会。很多演出团体迅速排演莎士比亚戏剧。首都的戏剧工作者要求莎士比亚戏剧节在北京、上海两地同时举行是妥当的,如果仅在上海举行戏剧节,北京的十二台戏剧都要到上海演出,不仅造成人力、物力上的很多困难,而且不能满足北京地区观众看戏的要求。鉴于这样的情况,今年初,中国戏剧家协会 On January 26 this year, a newspaper in the capital made a briefing entitled “The First Shakespeare Festival to be held in Beijing” in the column entitled “Window of Literature and Art”. The unexpected news gave rise to a Field uproar. Things have to be talked about from the preparatory work for the festival: On December 5, 1984, at the closing ceremony of the founding ceremony of the China Shakespeare Research Association and the first annual meeting held in Shanghai, the council announced that the first Shakespeare Festival It will be held in Shanghai in the spring of 1986. After the news came to Beijing, most theatrical workers in the capital also requested at the same time a commemorative performance of the 370th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death in Beijing. Eighteen units unanimously invited the Central Academy of Drama to lead the initiative and soon formed an organizational committee. Many performing groups quickly rehearsal Shakespeare plays. The capital’s theater workers demanded that the Shakespeare Festival be held simultaneously in Beijing and Shanghai. If only the theater festival was held in Shanghai, all twelve drama productions in Beijing would perform in Shanghai, not only causing many human and material difficulties , But also can not meet the requirements of spectators in Beijing area. Given this situation, earlier this year, the Chinese Dramatists Association
目的:应用逆转录聚合酶链式反应(reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction,RT—PCR)方法,检测转移能力不同的两种人乳腺癌细胞株MCF—7和MDA—MB—435S中twist基因的表达
朋友,在读到本章的题目以前,你想过这个问题吗? 也许,你看完一盼报纸后,常常是一扔了事,从此不再问津。这是一种情况。另一种情况,就象一位新闻界前辈在回忆录中描述的:新媳
四川日报一九八七年三月三日刊登的《一句话新闻》很好。我只花了几分钟就读完了六条消息。既节省时间,又知道省内各条战线出现的新人,新 The “one-sentence news” publi
作为地、市、县报纸,要办出特色,受到读者的欢迎,这的确是一件不容易的事情。我作为读者,认为地、市、县报在以下几方面要加强: 一、在宣传党和国家的有关方针、政策的同时,
今年8月中旬至9月初,我们在川报实习,从处理通讯员来稿发现,自由来稿中多数稿件质量不高,不能编发。其中较为普遍的问题是: From mid-August to early September this year