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每一届奥运会都会留下无数激动人心的画面当世界纪录一次次被打破刷新,当一段段友情在赛场上建立,当一枚枚金牌与一滴滴汗水一同洒落,人们从中汲取的是一段与命运抗争的人生旅程,一种超越自我的精神。从本期开始,本刊将开设《伦敦2012》的奥运专栏,为读者回顾伦敦奥运的历史、品味伦敦奥运的文化,讲述那些不为人知的伦敦奥运故事…… Each session of the Olympic Games will leave countless exciting pictures When the world record is broken again and again, when a section of friendship established in the arena, when a piece of gold and a drop of sweat spilled together, people learn from is a period of fate The struggle of life, a spirit of self-surpassing. Starting from this issue, we will open an Olympic column for “London 2012” to review the history of the London Olympics, taste the culture of the London Olympics, and tell the stories of the unknown London Olympics ......
小儿肿瘤易感性分子学研究在近几年有了显著的发展。本文主要介绍小儿肿瘤易感性分析中的运用及其影响因素。 In recent years, molecular research on the susceptibility
1 病例摘要患者 ,男 ,4 7岁 ,因反复返酸 ,呕血 ,柏油样便 8年 ,加重伴头晕 2d入院。 8年前有上腹不适 ,返酸 ,食欲差 ,乏力 ,无饥饿痛及餐后痛。诊断为“十二指肠球部溃疡”
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