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For the time being, there are still no standardized medical English teaching textbooks and reference books, with the result that numerous doubts and puzzles may have sprung up now and then. But now, with the dramatic spurt in technology, there is a new device---corpus-based approach---corpora of naturally occurring texts has moved from margins to occupy the center ground as the basic resource for language research. This study is to find out the possible objective means of identifying the core medical English words and phrases through their frequencies and the feasible ways of erasing the doubts and puzzles from the minds of teachers and learners by concordancing. In this study, the use of concordancing in medical English learning and teaching was discussed. For the time being, there are still no standardized medical English teaching textbooks and reference books, with the result that numerous doubts and puzzles may have sprung up now and then. But now, with the dramatic spurt in technology, there is a new device- - corpus-based approach --- corpora of naturally occurring texts has moved from margins to occupy the center ground as the basic resource for language research. This study is to find out the possible objective means of identifying the core medical English words and phrases through their frequencies and the feasible ways of erasing the doubts and puzzles from the minds of teachers and learners by concordancing. In this study, the use of concordancing in medical English learning and teaching was discussed.
当导演确定一个电影剧本之后,就要着手演员的挑选工作。如何挑选演员、演员的表演是否真实、准确、出彩,直接影响一部电影的成败。 When the director determines a movie s
介入法已成为治疗肝癌的非外科主要治疗手段。其中血管性介入治疗由初期单纯肝动脉灌注化疗 (TAI)逐步改进为灌注化疗加栓塞 (TACE) ,使疗效有了显著的提高。目前 ,TACE是不宜手术切除肝
从容生活爱自己  她的声音松松软软,有股慵懒的自在。她的眼神古灵精怪,好似下一秒钟就能猜透你的心思。她开朗到可以立刻与你哥们相称,而安静起来就像一只温顺的小猫。在两岸三地有着广大知名度的陈意涵,逐渐从生涩蜕变到成熟,但你却也看不出她已经30岁有余。陈意涵说自己只活在当下,她会把一天的时间排到很满而不会思考明天要做什么,她喜欢运动却又是宅女,会出门骑车也会窝在家里玩拼图和乐高,她相信如果早饭都要吃得
《中国资产评估》期刊在广大作者与读者的关心和支持下,特别是在广大通讯员们辛勤的工作中走过了201 0年。通讯员通过各种形式及时准确地传递各地动态,在实践工作中注重组织相关理论实务文章,丰富了期刊的内容。在此,对给予《中国资产评估》支持和帮助的广大通讯员们表示最真挚的感谢!在新的一年里,希望广大通讯员再接再厉、开拓创新,努力提高综合业务能力,为把《中国资产评估》创办成为精品期刊而继续    2010
摘要目的在缺血再灌注动物模型上行超极化MRI,观察短期冠状动脉阻断和再灌注后1 h及1周后活体水平丙酮酸代谢的区域性改变。材料与方法所有动物实验均符合瑞士动物保护法,并