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虎跳峡梯级电站是金沙江中下游河段梯级开发的“龙头”,除其自身具有巨大的效益之外,对下游各梯级也将产生很大的补偿调节作用。研究认为,该河段地形地质条件复杂,处于Ⅷ~Ⅸ度地震烈度区,区域及近场活动断裂发育;各拟选坝址多存在高陡边坡问题,同时也不能完全排除水库及岩溶渗漏的可能性,河床深覆盖层的存在将使坝基防渗处理十分困难。峡谷左岸存在两家人及核桃园两巨型崩滑体,就目前所掌握的资料来看,两崩滑体特别是核桃园崩滑体整体稳定性较好,但下峡口水库蓄水后,仍不能排除存在局部失稳的可能性。峡谷左岸引水隧洞及地下厂房施工将可能遇到的复杂高地应力及边坡稳定问题也是应进一步研究的重要内容。 The Hujiao Gorge cascade hydropower station is the “leader” of the cascade development of the middle and lower reaches of the Jinsha River. In addition to its huge benefits, it will also have a great compensatory effect on the downstream cascades. The study shows that the topography and geology condition of this reach is complex and is located in the Ⅷ ~ Ⅸ seismic intensity region, with the development of regional and near-field active faults. There are many high-steep slope problems in the selected dam sites, and the reservoir and karst seepage can not be completely ruled out The possibility of leakage and the presence of deep overburden in the riverbed will make dam foundation seepage control difficult. Two families exist on the left bank of the Canyon and two giant collapse bodies in Walnut Park. According to the information available at present, the stability of the two landslides, especially the Walnut landslide body, is good. However, Can not rule out the possibility of local instability. The complicated high ground stress and slope stability problems that may be encountered in the construction of the left bank diversion tunnel and underground powerhouse of the left bank of the Canyon are also important contents for further study.
胃肿瘤在消化系统肿瘤中的发病率属首位 ,极大地危害人类健康。目前由于三维超声成像技术的临床应用 ,将为胃超声显像拓展新的内涵。现将 3年来我们应用三维超声成像对胃肿瘤
目的 探讨肿瘤的发生对中性粒细胞吞噬功能的影响。方法 用微量全血化学发光法检测36例肿瘤病人及40例正常人的中性粒细胞吞噬功能。结果 肿瘤病人中性粒细胞吞噬功能显著高
目的 探索用维甲酸(RA)联合干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)协同诱导分化治疗脑胶质瘤的新方案。方法应用改良MTT法,系统分析RA/IFN-γ协同调控脑胶质瘤细胞增殖的量效、时效关系。结果 RA
肝切除术是肝癌最有效的治疗方法〔1〕。但由于术后复发等因素 ,长期疗效仍不理想〔2〕。作者探讨肝癌切除术后 ,肝动脉化疗栓塞联合生物治疗 ,对控制肝内复发率 ,提高病人生
A novel resonant cavity enhanced(RCE) photodetector with flat-top and steep-edge response is presented.The response is obtained by designing a gradient-thicknes