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2013年12月21日,淘宝最大A货店女店主李平被杭州市下城区人民检察院批埔,此前,警方曾一举捣毁为她供货的工厂及她租用的工作室。开网店不过短短三年的她,就将网店发展为三蓝冠的高信誉网店,为了能让自己的货品做到与真品相差无几,她几次飞往法国并混迹戛纳电影节,记录时下最流行的时尚单品,回国再生产后推为网店的热卖宝贝。凭借这种“敬业”精神,李平的网店迅速壮大,成为同行业的龙头老大,6个月的销售颔就达2000多万元,买家70余万人次。就在李平以为自己顺风顺水的时候,淘宝网打假和知识产权保护团队盯上了她…… On December 21, 2013, Li Ping, the shopkeeper of Taobao’s largest A-type store, was approved by the People’s Procuratorate of Xiacheng District, Hangzhou City. Previously, the police smashed the factory supplied for her and the studio she rented. However, a short period of three years, her online store will be developed into three blue crown of the high credibility of the shop, in order to make their goods to be almost the same with the real thing, she flew to France several times and mixed Cannes Film Festival , Record the most popular fashion items nowadays, after returning to the post-production push for the hottest online shop. With this “dedication ” spirit, Li Ping’s online store has grown rapidly to become the leader in the industry, 6 months of sales reached over 20 million yuan, more than 700,000 buyers. Just when Li Ping thought he was downwind, Taobao anti-counterfeiting and intellectual property protection team stared at her ...
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