
来源 :高中生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rwsonny
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勤劳双手撑起整个家为了我们的衣食,母亲要给人家洗衣服、缝补或裁剪衣裳。在我的记忆中,她的手终年是鲜红微肿的。白天,她洗衣服,洗两大绿瓦盆。她做事丝毫也不敷衍,就是屠户们送来的黑如铁的布袜,她也给洗得雪白。晚间,她与三姐伴着一盏油灯,还要缝补衣服,一直到半夜。她终年没有休息,可是在忙碌中她还把院子屋中收拾得清清爽爽。桌椅都是旧的,柜门的铜活久已残缺不全,可是她的手老使破桌面上没有尘土,残破的铜活发着光。院中,父亲遗留下的几盆石榴与夹竹桃,永远会得到应有的浇灌与爱护,年年夏天开许多花。 Hard-working hands propped up the whole family for our food and clothing, the mother to give people to wash clothes, sewing or cutting clothes. In my memory, her hand is slightly red and red throughout the year. During the day, she washes clothes and washed two large green pots. She did not perfunctory work, is the black butcher’s socks sent by the butchers, she also washed white. In the evening, she accompanied her elder sister with an oil lamp and sewed clothes until midnight. She had no rest all year round, but she kept the courtyard house clean and fresh during the busy hour. Tables and chairs are old, the door of the copper has long been incomplete, but her hands make the old desktop without dust, broken copper light active. In the courtyard, the pots of pomegranates and oleander left by his father will always receive the proper watering and care and bloom many flowers every summer.
有一天耳朵闹起了别扭。原来,主人经常听一些嘈杂的音乐,搞得耳朵觉得很痛,所以它趁夜深人静时就悄悄离开了。 One day the ears make a strange look. It turned out that
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迈克尔·塞申斯18岁时,是一名高中生。他却以绝对的优势击败了密歇根州希尔斯代尔市51岁的现任市长道格拉斯· At the age of 18, Michael Sessions was a high school stud
小猫和小狗想去找大公鸡玩,但是,它们必须通过这座迷宫才能找到大公鸡。你能帮助它们吗?(要求:从起点出发,必须路过食物走)找大公鸡@李波 Kittens and puppies want to find
羊,羊跳花墙抓把草喂你娘你娘没在家喂你们老哥儿仨跳花墙$小千动漫 Sheep, sheep jumping flower wall grasping the grass feed your mother your mother did not feed yo