山西省阳高县人武部 拓宽渠道开展国防教育

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近日,阳高县城又添新景,两排国防教育宣传牌,悬挂在主要街道两旁的灯杆上,“国无防不立、民无兵不安,富国强兵、国之要务,居安思危固国防、富国强兵奔小康……”这些宣传标语,尽收行人眼底。近年来,山西省阳高县人武部针对群众国防观念淡化的实际,积极拓展开展国防教育途径,推进国防教育在全县的开展。协调县委宣传部,把国防教育的相关内容列入县委中心组理论学习计划之中;军地联动,在国防教育领域机制形式上坚持与时俱进、不断创新,以县委党校为平台,成立阳高县国防教育学院,借助村镇农村书屋,为广大村民提供国 In recent days, Yanggao County has added a new scene. Two rows of propaganda cards for national defense education are hung on the poles on both sides of the main street. “There is no defense against the people in the country. , Rich and powerful military well-off ... ... ”These promotional slogans, to accept the eyes of pedestrians. In recent years, the Yanggao County People’s Armed Forces in Shanxi Province has actively expanded its approach to national defense education and promoted the development of national defense education in the entire county in the light of the actual situation of the people’s defensive ideology. Coordinate the Propaganda Department of the county Party committee and include the relevant contents of national defense education in the theoretical study plan of the Central Party Committee of the CPC Central Committee. In the field of national defense education, the mechanism form of national defense education persists in keeping pace with the times and innovates continuously. Taking County Party Committee as a platform, Gao County National Defense Education Institute, with the help of rural village bookstores, for the majority of villagers to provide the country
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