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我们中山区是旅大市的城市区,位于旅大市的东南部,三面临海,沿海山巒起伏,有山林面积四万五千余亩。解放前,在日寇的奴役下,使原有森林破坏殆尽,造成了山光岭禿、水土流失、岩石裸露的悽凉景象。解放后,在毛主席革命路线指引下,于一九五二年成立了林业站, 林业生产有了迅速发展。一九五六年毛主席发出“绿化祖国”、“实行大地园林化”的伟大号召,我們紧紧依靠各级党组织的领导,反复宣传“绿化祖国”的伟大意义,深入发动厂矿、企业、机关、学校、部队和居民群众,不断掀起植树造林运动高潮。从六四年秋季开始,开展了轰轰烈烈的治山造田、植树造林的群众运 Zhongshan District of our city is the urban area of ​​Luda City, located in the southeastern Luda City, the three sides facing the sea, coastal undulating hills, with more than 45,000 acres of forest area. Before the liberation, under the enslavement of the Japanese invaders, the original forests were destroyed, causing mountain baldness, soil erosion and bare rocky bleak landscapes. After the liberation, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, a forestry station was set up in 1952 and forestry production has developed rapidly. In 1956, when Chairman Mao issued the great call of “greening the motherland,” and “implementing the strategy of earth gardens,” we firmly relied on the leadership of Party organizations at all levels to repeatedly publicize the great significance of “greening the motherland,” further mobilized factories and mines, enterprises, Organizations, schools, military units and residents, constantly set off the climax of the afforestation campaign. From the autumn of June 4, a vigorous campaign of man-made land for planting mountains and trees and reforestation
物质的分离是指将混合物中的各物质通过某种方式分离后各自得到纯净物的过程;而物质的提纯是通过适当的方法把混入某物质里的少量杂质除去,以便获得相对纯净的物质,又称除杂。  一、物质除杂的原则  1.注意事项几个“不”  (1)不能“玉石俱焚”。即所选试剂只与杂质反应,一般不与被提纯的物质反应。但在特殊情况下所选试剂需要和被提纯的物质反应,但最终要转化成被提纯的物质。如除去FeCl3溶液中的NaCl,可
清水河县桦树也公社认真贯彻《中共中央、国务院关于制止乱砍滥伐森林的紧急指示》。今年11月4日,公社党委书记高明星发现桦树也生产队放牧员在 Qingshuihe County Birch c
The precipitation of epsilon copper at 1023 K ageing in ferrite antibacterial stainless steel was investigated by a combination of electron microscopy and micro