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如何搞好初中英语教学是每一位初中英语教师所探讨的问题。适合的教学方法可以充分发挥学生的主观能动性,可以帮助学生认识学习对象,明确学习任务,确立学习目标;可以提高学生认知领域里的思维活动,能力领域里的训练活动,情感领域里的心理活动。其次就是发展学生的个性。多年来英语教学一直重视知识性目标的达成,忽视学生情感、态度、价值观的发展。教师是课堂的中心,学生只是被动地接受知识。长此以往的结果是英语初学者的热情减退,难以激发学习兴趣。探索和运用新的、好的教学方法,不仅是必要的更是必需的。我们每一位教师应该“突出学生为主体,尊重学生个体”的基本理念。 How to do a good job in junior middle school English teaching is a problem that every junior middle school English teacher discusses. Suitable teaching methods can give full play to students ’subjective initiative, can help students recognize learning objects, clear learning tasks, establish learning objectives; can improve students’ cognitive activities in the field of thinking, training activities in the field of competence, emotion in the field of psychology activity. The second is the development of student personality. Over the years, English teaching has always attached importance to reaching the goal of knowledge, ignoring the development of students’ feelings, attitudes and values. Teachers are the center of the class, and students passively accept knowledge. Over time, the result is a decline in the enthusiasm of English beginners, it is difficult to stimulate interest in learning. It is not only necessary but also necessary to explore and apply new and good teaching methods. Each of our teachers should “highlight the students as the mainstay, respect for individual students, ” the basic concept.
If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer’s day we shall find that the blue colour is the most pure and intense overhead,and when looking high up in a d
目的 为做好急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例监测 ,巩固无脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )成果。方法 对贵州省 1 999~2 0 0 2年 40 3例残留麻痹的AFP病例的流行病学特征、免疫状况和疾病谱进
2010年4月哥伦比亚奴基热带雨林不通公路,也不具备空运条件。我们人拉肩扛,克服丛林的炎热和道路的荆棘,将通信基站搬运上山,为当地2759名居民架起通信的桥梁。 April 2010