In Guangzhou, someone introduced me to Zhou Xiaojin, a young reporter from a Guangdong television station. “She is a very worthy person.” “What story does she have?” To be honest, I am ashamed of me. In Beijing, I do not know much about the press in the local press. I know nothing of Zhou Xiaojin’s deeds. The answer is that she is one of the “Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Guangzhou”. The former chief editor of the Yangcheng Evening News Xu Shi (ie, Micong) shed tears after listening to her report. The rest, you know after the interview. My interview is in the radio studio, with the radio comrades to listen to Zhou Xiaojin’s report. She said that this can save everyone’s time, after listening to any questions you can ask her again. When she was in tears, when she was busy with her job, she kept her daughter at home and heard her sweet voice on the phone, “Mom, I’m good, I did not move.” She cried and she was afraid her daughter would touch She climbed high; talking about her respected grandmother Deng Yingchao’s death, she tears, she is the granddaughter of Zhou Enlai; said she interviewed those miserable drug girl, she also tears.