
来源 :休闲农业与美丽乡村 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:13439718
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阜康市发展休闲农业与乡村旅游的良好基础1、特色农业发达。阜康市属大陆性中温气候,年均气温7.0℃,无霜期174天。由于独特的光热水土条件,阜康市农产品资源品质较好。主要农作物有小麦、玉米、瓜菜、加工番茄、打瓜、食葵、甜菜、酿酒葡萄、蟠桃等。现已形成20万亩优质高产粮食生产区;20万亩以加工番茄、打瓜、食葵为主的 Fukang City, the development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism a good foundation 1, developed characteristic agriculture. Fukang City is a continental climate with an average annual temperature of 7.0 ℃, frost-free period of 174 days. Due to the unique light and hot soil conditions, the quality of agricultural products in Fukang is better. The main crops are wheat, corn, vegetables, processing tomato, melon, sunflower, beet, wine grapes, peach and so on. Has now formed 200000 acres of high quality and high yield grain production area; 200000 acres to processing tomato, melon, sunflower-based
To the north of the famous Tseliutsing salt district of central Szechuanthere exists a big dome-anticline, which is clearly shown in Tan and Lee’s [1]Atlas fo
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各位代表: 我代表省人民政府向大会作工作报告,请予审议。一、1989年治理整顿情况的回顾过去的一年,是在治理整顿和制止春夏之交政治动乱的情况下,把建设和改革事业继续推向
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。《亡蜀鉴》@许俊德 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. “Death Shu K
省政府同意省体改委、经协办《关于进一步巩固和发展横向经济联合意见的报告》,现转发给你们,请结合本地区、本部门的实际情况,参照执行。 The provincial government agre
振子是示波器中一个主要零件。其主体是一根外径为6.3毫米的铜管,管外壁有两个15毫米的平面,原来为铣削加工。现以冲代铣,提高了生产效率及加工表面的质量,为类 Oscillosco