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高职院校在我国的教育事业发展中占有重要的地位,是我国培养人才重要教育基地。由于高职院校不同于其他的大学,其目标学生在社会上更具有代表性,同时培养的人才也为适应社会工作。因此,高职院校的教育目标与教学原则是以学生进入社会为导向,这样的教学模式使得学校与企业之间形成一种内在的联系,即学校为企业培养人才,企业为学校提高教学条件,这便形成了高职院校校企合作的模式。高职院校校企合作不仅有利于增强校企之间的联系,使学生对未来的工作环境提前有所了解,更有利于学校培养目标型人才,为企业提供高素质的职业人员。本文即旨在研究我省高职院校校企合作的长效机制,根据个人所知做以简要阐述。 Higher vocational colleges occupy an important position in the development of education in our country and are important education bases for our country in training talents. Since higher vocational colleges are different from other universities, their target students are more representative in the society and their personnel are also adapted to social work. Therefore, the educational goals and teaching principles of higher vocational colleges are guided by the students entering the society. Such teaching mode makes the school form an internal connection with the enterprises, that is, schools train talents for enterprises and enterprises improve teaching conditions for schools This forms the mode of school-enterprise cooperation in higher vocational colleges. The cooperation between colleges and enterprises in higher vocational colleges not only helps to strengthen the connection between schools and enterprises, so that students can understand the working environment in advance in advance, but also help schools cultivate the target talents and provide high-quality professionals to the enterprises. This article aims to study the long-term mechanism of the cooperation between schools and enterprises in higher vocational colleges in our province, based on what individuals know to make a brief exposition.
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