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斜向构图又称非直角构图。其意思足建筑空间的界面与界面、装饰条带与界面、家具设备与与界面斜向相交或放置,而不是平行或垂直。传统的厅、堂、室,平面多为方形和矩形。这是因为这类平面面积利用率高,容易布置家具、设备,还可使结构构造简单化。随着建筑技术的不断发展,混凝土等建筑材料相继出现,建造非矩形平面的建筑实体由难而易。于是,平面为三角形、平行四边形和各式多边形的建筑陆续出现,斜向构图也相应地 Oblique composition is also called non-right angle composition. It means that the interfaces and interfaces of the building space, the decorative strips and interfaces, the furniture equipment and the interface intersect or lie obliquely, rather than parallel or perpendicular. The traditional halls, halls and rooms are mostly square and rectangular. This is because such a planar area has a high utilization rate, and it is easy to arrange furniture and equipment, and the structure can be simplified. With the continuous development of building technology, concrete and other building materials have emerged one after another, and it is difficult to construct building entities with non-rectangular planes. As a result, buildings with planes of triangles, parallelograms and various types of polygons appear one after another.
2008年奥运会在北京举行,中国人学英语的热情也空前高涨。若是在北京遇到外宾向你问路,你知道该如何回答他们吗?以下是一些关于问路及应答的句式,供同学们参考: The 2008 Ol
寿县九龙乡开发区位于国家历史文化名城寿县南端,距县中心6.5公里,傍 S203线,交通四通八达,十分便利。开发区实施公司型体制。该公司是一家集科研、开发、生产为一 Shou Co
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In view of the irrationality in the present land uses in Nanmen district,the new trendbased approach to planning is adopted in the derivation of a land use adj