Preparation of alumina-pillared layered tetratitanates with different interlayer spacings

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libra163
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The synthesis of pillared clays have led to the development of new materialswith suitable pore size and sufficient stability to be used as shape-selective catalystsand molecular sieves. There are numerous layered inorganic oxides which havethe potential to undergo ion-exchange reactions analogous to those observed withclays, but the nonswelling nature of most ionic layered oxides generally prevents The synthesis of pillared clays have led to the development of new materialswith suitable pore size and sufficient stability to be used as shape-selective catalysts and molecular sieves. There are numerous layered inorganic oxides which have the potential to underwent ion-exchange reactions analogous to those observed withclays , but the nonswelling nature of most ionic
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