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讲授新课是课堂教学很重要的一部份,是教师传授知识、学生接受知识的主要步骤,通过讲授新课,可以进一步复习,加深和扩大学生的科学知识的范围,并培养他们独立思考的能力,所以,讲授新课是教学的重要环节,在讲授新课时,教师必须充分重视政治思想教育,在复习、联系旧课的基础上,更须考虑学生的接受水平和班级的特点,有目的的以直观、生动、通俗的方法,循序渐进地启发学生自觉地钻研问题、掌握知识,现将我对讲授新课的一些体会和做法,叙述如下,请同志们指正。 Teaching new lessons is a very important part of classroom teaching. It is the main step for teachers to impart knowledge and students to accept knowledge. By teaching new lessons, students can further review, deepen and expand the scope of students’ scientific knowledge, and cultivate their independent thinking. Ability, therefore, teaching new classes is an important part of teaching. When teaching new classes, teachers must give full attention to political and ideological education. On the basis of reviewing and linking old classes, students must also consider the level of acceptance of students and the characteristics of classes. In an intuitive, vivid, and popular way, I gradually inspired students to consciously study problems and acquire knowledge. Now I will describe some of the experiences and practices I have taught in the new class. Please comrades correct me.
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上尿路梗阻是临床上常见的疾病 ,如未及时解除梗阻最终将导致肾积水、肾纤维化及肾萎缩 ,在此病理生理过程中涉及到一系列分子事件的改变 ,现就近年来这方面研究进展作一综述
慢性前列腺炎是成年男性生殖系统常见病之一。近年来 ,随着对其病因病机认识的深入 ,治疗方法由传统内治法发展到外治疗法 ,并取得一定进展。现将近年来外治法近况综述如下。
1 甲基强的松龙 (MP)冲击治疗的作用机制  糖皮质激素与细胞浆中的糖皮质激素受体结合进入细胞核后 :①结合于DNA启动子上的糖皮质激素反应元件 ,调控各种细胞因子的表达 ;②与
The germplasm of breeding large yellow croaker(Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson)was revealed using 12 microsatellite markers.The results showed that the genetic