Effects of Different Compounding of Formulae on Content of Gardenoside in Yin Chen Hao Decoction

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YGLDY1989
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In order to observe the effects of the ground and intact Zhi Zi(Fructns Gardeniae)and differentcombinations of the ingredients and refined single Chinese drug granules in Yin Chen Hao Decoctioncompound prescription on the contents of gardenoside(an effective component of the prescription),thecontents of gardenoside were determined with reversed phase high performance liquidchromatography(HPLC),with acetonitrile-water(15:85)as mobile phase,at wave length 238nm.Theresults indicated that the gardenoside-decocted-out rates in the decoctions prepared by differentcombinations of the ingredients with the ground Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae)all were highersignificantly than those in the decoction with intact Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae),and generally,different combinations of the ingredients in the decoction had only little effect on the gardenoside-decocted-out rate. In order to observe the effects of the ground and intact Zhi Zi(Fructns Gardeniae)and differentcombinations of the ingredients and refined single Chinese drug granules in Yin Chen Hao Decoctioncompound prescription on the contents of gardenoside(an effective component of the prescription),thecontents of Gardenoside were determined with reversed phase high performance liquidchromatography (HPLC), with acetonitrile-water(15:85)as mobile phase, at wave length 238nm.Theresults indicated that the gardenoside-decocted-out rates in the decoctions prepared by differentcombinations of the ingredients With the ground Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae)all were higher significant than those in the decoction with intact Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae), and generally,different combinations of the ingredients in the decoction had only little effect on the gardenoside-decocted-out rate.
番荔枝科包括约120个属和2000多个种,其中原产于印度、马来西亚、澳洲、西 太平洋地区的假鹰爪属植物就有30个种,其中Desmos dasymachalus为高大乔木,传统医学中其根用于治
目的 探讨广州地区汉族人群细胞色素P450 1A1(CYP1A1)和细胞色素P450 2E1(CYP2E1)基因的多态性分布规律.方法 用PCR-RFLP和等位基因特异性扩增技术,对150名广州地区汉族正常人的CYP1A1和CYP2E1基因多态性进行了检测,并与其他人群进行了比较.结果 CYP1A1基因3′端非翻译区的MspⅠ多态位点m1(MspⅠ-)、m2(MspⅠ+)等位基因频率分别为62.3
198 1年Evans和Kaufman首次报道小鼠ES细胞系建立以来 ,由于ES细胞具有体外不断扩增、未分化状态和全能分化 3大特点 ,故ES细胞被广泛应用于基因同源重组 ,转基因动物产生、与生长、分化相关基
HIV逆转录酶(RT)为一多功能酶,表现出RNA依赖性DNA聚合酶(RDDP)、DNA依赖性DNA聚合酶(DDDP)和核糖核酸酶H(RNase H)的活性。在筛查50种韩国和30种中国药用植物体外抑制HIV-1
具有增强或调节机体有效抗病能力的药物 ,称为生物应答调节剂 (biologicalresponsemodifiers ,BRM ) [1 ] 。国内学者在寻找中药BRM方面已经做了大量工作。近年来 ,中药全蝎及蝎毒的抗肿瘤作用已引起了广泛注意