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傅雷是一个怎样的高度呢?在那个“红色”的年代,傅雷的成就由于不迎于主流,不屈于权威,从而不带太强的政治歌颂性,由此没有得到声名鹊起的机会和相应客观的社会地位。就傅雷自身而言,他固不屑于此,然纵观历来伟大的艺术家几乎无不遭此等境遇。这是傅雷不单在文学,艺术的成就被低估的历史原因,也由此致使傅雷的伟大人格被无情地忽略,这是时代有负于傅雷,这种损失虽然只是个体的,但放眼当今,如果作为一种高纯人格的沦陷灭绝,那这种损失则可理解为社会的。可以说,丹纳的《艺术哲学》伟大之处在于通过种族、时代、环境等因素独到地分析艺术品的形成与风格。该书与傅雷的人格哲学有多少必然的联系,我们无法深究。如果简单地说将傅雷深受此书影响,确有夸大与牵强之意并有失客观,也同时降低了傅雷的高度。正如王国维所说的“用他人之境界,必先有自身之境界”。我们可以从另外一个侧面通过两者相似之处试图了解傅雷的品格与此书的相关之处,虽然我们无法量化这种联系,但艺术的生命力是长久不衰并无时不渗透的,相信我们能从中窥其一斑。 What kind of heights is Fu Lei? In the era of “Red”, Fu Lei’s achievements were not gaining fame because of not meeting the mainstream, indomitable in authority and without excessive political etiquette The corresponding objective social status. As far as Fu Lei himself is concerned, he defied it, but almost all the great artists of the past were exposed to such situations. This is the historical reason why Fu Lei was not only underestimated in the literary and artistic achievements, but also led Fu Lei’s great personality to be mercilessly neglected. This is an age negative to Fu Lei. Although this loss is only an individual, As a result of the fall of a highly pure personality, that loss can be understood as social. It can be said that Dana’s “philosophy of art” is great because it uniquely analyzes the formation and style of artworks through such factors as race, time and environment. The book and Fu Lei’s personality philosophy how many necessary links, we can not go into. If we simply say that Fu Lei will be deeply influenced by this book, there is indeed an exaggerated and far-reaching meaning and a sense of loss, and at the same time reducing the height of Fu Lei. As Wang Guowei said “in the realm of others, we must first have our own realms.” We can try to understand the relationship between Fu Lei’s character and the book from the other side through similarities. Although we can not quantify this link, the vitality of art is perpetual and imperceptible. Believe us From which to peek at it.
刚从学校毕业进入职场的安琪自认为自己是一个幸福的人。父母对她疼爱有加,优越的生活条件,让她过得有滋有味。但唯一让她感到美中不足的是,她在单位的人缘不好。不知为什么,几乎所有与她有过接触的人都不太喜欢她。对于同事面对她时不阴不阳的态度,她感到很是困惑,不知道自己得罪了谁,更不知道为什么同事会集体不喜欢她。  安琪就这样在郁闷中度日如年。人事关系不和谐,每天在单位的8小时,对她来说简直是一种折磨。之后
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红日 白雪 蓝天……乘东风 飞来报春的群雁。从太阳升起的北京启程,飞翔到 宝塔山头,落脚在 延河两岸。欢迎你们啊, 突击队的新战友; Red sun and snow sky ... ... fly by