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目的了解重庆市缺碘区居民膳食结构和对碘缺乏病知识的掌握情况,以及膳食因素对碘缺乏病的影响,为制定该病综合防治措施及进行膳食指导、健康教育提供依据。方法采用整群随机抽样方法,对当地居民进行24h膳食回顾法调查其膳食摄入情况,并采用问卷表了解居民对碘缺乏病相关知识的知晓情况。结果云阳壁山两县居民能量摄入量分别为2066.47kcal,2256.89kcal;蛋白质65.47g,70.30g;核黄素0.74mg,1.32mg;硫胺素0.89mg,1.21mg;碘56.07μg,70.30μg,以上营养素摄入量两县的差异有统计学意义,三大营养素供能比适当,对人体缺碘主要危害的回答正确率云阳璧山分别为22.7%,26.1%(χ2=23.76,P﹤0.001)。结论两县都存在不同程度蛋白质能量营养不良以及一些与其代谢有关的维生素缺乏,且对碘缺乏病相关知识知晓情况较差,不利于碘缺乏病防治,应对两地居民的科学膳食指导和营养健康教育并尽快出台相关的营养改善政策。 Objective To understand the dietary structure and knowledge of iodine deficiency disorders in residents with iodine deficient areas in Chongqing and the impact of dietary factors on iodine deficiency disorders in order to provide evidence for the comprehensive prevention and treatment measures and guidance of diet and health education. Methods A cluster random sampling method was used to investigate the dietary intake of local residents for 24 hours. A questionnaire was used to understand the residents’ knowledge of iodine deficiency disorders. Results The energy intake of inhabitants in two counties in Yunyang Bishan was 2056.47 kcal and 2256.89 kcal respectively; the protein was 65.47g and 70.30g; riboflavin 0.74mg and 1.32mg; thiamine 0.89mg and 1.21mg; iodine 56.07μg and 70.30 μg, the above nutrient intake was statistically significant difference between the two counties, the three nutrients for energy than appropriate, the main hazard of human iodine The correct answer rate of Bishan, Yunyang were 22.7%, 26.1% (χ2 = 23.76, P <0.001). Conclusions There are varying degrees of malnutrition of protein energy and some vitamin-related vitamin deficiency in both counties, and the knowledge about iodine deficiency disorders is poor, which is not conducive to the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders. It should deal with the scientific dietary guidance and nutritional health of residents in both places Education and the introduction of relevant nutrition improvement policies as soon as possible.
研究了在Fe3O4中引入NiO、Al2O3复合陶瓷材料的晶相结构、电阻值-温度特性及热稳定性等。通过对铁离子氧化状态及淬火工艺的调整,可得到性能优良的宽温区热敏元件。 The crystal structure,
如果有可能的话,我真的想把这句话铭刻在牛津卡萨姆体育场的入口处,让那个奥斯卡·王尔德地下有知他的哲言不止在文化圈里那么有效。 我始终相信,凭着一个阵形,一个在联赛初